What does the dream mean: “Are you afraid of death? – Not!”

A dream that destroys ideas about death, leading beyond the boundaries of everyday life … Jungian analyst Stanislav Raevsky deciphers the pictures seen in a dream by one of the readers of Psychologies.

“Moonlight dispelled the darkness, the atmosphere in the room was reminiscent of the XNUMXth century. Two men were standing on either side of the window, the third one was near me… or rather, near the young man. I can only see him from behind. A revolver was put to his temple. Through sleep I feel cool at the temple. “Are you afraid of death?” I think about it and mentally answer: “No.” “No,” the man replies after a few moments. There is so much firmness in a soft voice, so much confidence and calmness. Not fake, but genuine. And I’m not afraid. At all. I don’t hear a shot. Suddenly I see everything through his eyes. And then darkness. No pain, nothing. Only a sharp, momentary emptiness… I immediately opened my eyes. I realized that he and I were one, one person. That a firm “no” said I-he.

Alena, 22 years old


Such a dream is impossible to forget. I would like to understand what kind of secret he hides, or rather, reveals to consciousness. For me, there are two main themes here: the boundaries between life and death and between “I” and others. It usually seems to us that our mind or soul is rigidly attached to our body, gender, time and place in which we live. And our dreams are often similar to our everyday life. But there are completely different dreams that push the boundaries of our consciousness and our idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbour “I”.

The action takes place in the XNUMXth century, and you are a young man. The question involuntarily arises: “Maybe I saw my past life and death?” Many cultures believed and continue to believe that after death our soul acquires a new body. According to them, we can remember vivid episodes of our life and especially death. Our materialistic mind finds it hard to believe this. But if something is not proven, it does not mean that it does not exist. The idea of ​​reincarnation makes our life more meaningful and death more natural.

Such a dream destroys all our ideas about ourselves and the world, makes us embark on the path of self-realization.

Your dream or your self works with the fear of death on several levels at once. On the content level: living death in a dream, on a personal level through identification with someone who is not afraid of death, and on a meta level, “throwning” you the idea of ​​reincarnation. Still, this idea should not be taken as the main explanation for sleep.

Often we “close” a dream by getting or inventing a clear explanation. It is much more interesting for our development to remain open, giving up a single interpretation. Such a dream destroys all our ideas about ourselves and the world, makes us embark on the path of self-awareness – so let it remain a mystery that goes beyond the boundaries of everyday life. This is also a way to conquer the fear of death: to explore the boundaries of your own “I”.

Is my “I” my body? Is what I see, remember, what I think, not my “I”? By carefully and honestly examining our boundaries, we will say that there is no independent “I”. We cannot separate ourselves not only from those close to us, but also from people far away from us, and not only in the present, but also in the past and in the future. We cannot separate ourselves from other animals, our planet and the universe. As some biologists say, there is only one organism, and it is called the biosphere.

With our individual death, only the dream of this life ends, we awaken to soon begin the next. Only one leaf flies off the tree of the biosphere, but it continues to live.

Have you had a dream that worries you? Do you remember what you dreamed about as a child? Stanislav Raevsky will try to decipher your dream. Write about it on the Psychologies.ru website forum in the topic “Analyzing your dreams” or at info@psychologies.ru

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