What does the dislike of a birthday say? Life stories

Birthday dislike has most often psychological reasons. “Singing Happy Birthday is the worst thing.” There are people who hate birthdays and hide them from the world. 

Birthday is a reason for a holiday

We live in a society where birthday is a must-have reason to celebrate. Most people count down the days to their starring party, rubbing their hands in anticipation of gifts, wishes, cake and Russian champagne. However, it turns out that for some of us, our birthday anniversary is a real nightmare.

And yet, most people tend to love and celebrate their holiday. A birthday is the best opportunity to show your loved one how much you care about them. Celebrate the holiday with a beautiful interior, which you will decorate by hanging heart shaped balloons with lettering available in our range. The attention to detail is sure to be noticed by your significant other. We have taken care of a variety of colors, so you can easily combine balloons with your interior design. These are ideal for individuals.

The first story. Anton, 32 years old

I love birthdays, but … not mine. The sight of a smiling face gifted with a gift gives me wild satisfaction (and I have a nose for gifts!). On the contrary, it doesn’t work at all. I hid my birthday on Facebook so that no one would send me wishes. I don’t throw parties, but not because I’m a mean, I just feel bad then.

I have always associated the increase in age, which is an integral part of this birth, with the reinforcement of arguments like: “Are you too old for this?”, “Anton, how old are you?”, “I am your age …”.

And if I add this social pressure to mandatory goals in life and problems (more precisely, a simple solution), we get a ready-made answer to the fact that I hate this holiday. Fortunately, I am not alone.

The second story. Ksenia, 27 years old

In my case, birthday hate is directly related to learning to expect others and my own aspirations. However, there are people who have survived childhood trauma. This is why they have bad associations.

– I had a birthday injury when I was a child, – says Ksenia On the eve of her 27th birthday. – First of all, I envied other guys born in spring and summer. Secondly, one of the birthdays was extremely unfortunate, I will not go into details, but for the first time I felt that children, your “friends”, can be cruel. Since then, I refuse to celebrate birthdays.

What does the dislike of a birthday say? Life stories

Third story. Matvey, 30 years old

The worst moments, of course, are unpacking gifts and listening to others singing “Happy Birthday” to you. Then I feel like I’m crumbling underground, I blush, and my expression is out of control.

In conversations with different people, I noticed a tendency to be the highlight of the program, that is, to sing “Happy Birthday.” It seems to me that the majority, even those who love such parties then, feel uncomfortable then.

– When they sing to me Happy Birthday, I’m a little embarrassed. When someone makes wishes, I am very pleased, but I cannot get rid of the impression that this is imposed by social conventions, which means that it is insincere. Not that I hate birthdays. Absolutely everyone likes them at least a little, the day will come when you can ask for more. I hate to show them off.

Yes, I usually, besides my parents, are congratulated by 2-3 more people, those who remember. I could announce this on Facebook, hoping for some PR gifts, but then again, I hate to flaunt them. Someone does not remember / does not know, let it remain so. It’s right that I don’t like my birthday at all. Because they remind me of everything I wanted to do, which I probably won’t.

The fourth story. Peter, 40 years old

Birthday dislike comes from childhood. Back to Childhood: Receiving birthday gifts from parents was fun. Contrary to the celebrations organized on this occasion: greetings from the taboo uncles and aunts, solemn singing “Happy Birthday”.

In a word, a grandiose holiday, during which a person was in the spotlight, is, in my opinion, too much. All this was somehow embarrassing, brought some discomfort.

Today I suggest that a person should have fun when they sincerely want it, and not when there is pressure associated with the widespread belief that “such an event MUST be celebrated.”

What does the dislike of a birthday say? Life stories

The biggest injury happened to me last year. – Sing “Happy Birthday” over and over again at least a little. Everything lasted from morning until late at night – at the airport, on the plane, on the bus and in restaurants – everywhere.

Birthday Dislike-Reasons

Browsing the Internet, you’ve come to the conclusion that birthday dislike is more common than meets the eye. And it’s not just introverts. There are even guides on the Internet such as “What should you never say to someone who hates birthdays?”

The goal is to be always young

There are several reasons why birthdays are undesirable. This is mainly due to the beneficial cultural conditions. Our life is moving towards a culture saturated with Western values. One of them is individualism, which manifests itself in being healthy, constantly young and efficient in the labor market. Over the years, we understand that this is not the direction in which we did not want to follow it, but we were not going to follow it.

The rhythm of life

The second reason can also be related to the fast time in which we live. “They demand great sacrifices from us, they are doing a great job. The pace of life is crazy, so sometimes you want to relax on your birthday, spend it alone, please yourself. This is a day for us and we don’t want to share it with others.

A narrow circle of friends

There is a third reason for aversion to birthdays. This may apply to people with a narrow or unsatisfactory circle of friends.

Well, on this day, we clearly see that we do not have a group of good friends. Sometimes not all family members remember them and make wishes. On the other hand, the image of a successful birthday presented in the media is usually the time spent in the company of relatives.

What if we don’t belong to any of the groups? By keeping our distance until celebrating a birthday, we are a little careful not to risk facing feelings of loneliness, disappointment, or sadness.

How to overcome and is it necessary?

So how do you deal with birthday phobia? The hardest part about this holiday is the remnants of the family. Our parents, aunts, grandparents from the generation when celebrated their birthday. Compared to our time, there were fewer reasons to celebrate. As a result, research shows that people liked to meet more often. At present, social relations are superficial.

Birthday Dislike – How To Deal With It? We can say that we most willingly accept wishes by phone or simply by chance and spontaneously. In this case, it is best to honestly talk about our “illness”.

Do you like to celebrate your birthday?

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