What does the condition of the oral cavity say about health?

If you maintain oral hygiene but still have bad breath, yellow teeth, or bleeding gums, these may be symptoms.

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1/ 6 Bad breath

If you regularly take care of your oral hygiene, bad breath should not arise (except, of course, when you consume something that is strongly smelling like garlic). It is worth remembering that not only the teeth require cleaning, but also the tongue and cheeks. If, despite following all the rules of cleaning the mouth, an unpleasant odor appears, it may be a sign of stomach disorders or liver diseases. Photo Shutterstock

2/ 6 Dry mouth

A dry mouth can be caused by obvious factors such as dehydration or heavy alcohol consumption. Dryness can be a symptom of diabetes when our body is properly hydrated. This is because the condition causes your blood vessels to swell, making it difficult for saliva to flow. If you have increased thirst, tingling in your feet and hands and you urinate more often – see your doctor and ask him to be tested for diabetes. Photo Shutterstock

3/ 6 Non-healing wounds

Occasional mouth ulcers should not be suspicious. If, however, ulcers or wounds do not heal for a long time (over a week), be sure to contact a doctor. Non-healing wounds are one of the first symptoms of mouth cancer. Remember that the risk of this type of cancer is higher in cigarette smokers. Photo Shutterstock

4/ 6 Teeth grinding

Many people don’t even know that they are grinding their teeth. What should worry us? Pains in the jaw and headaches. An experienced dentist will easily recognize a person who grinds his teeth. Usually bruxism is caused by excessive stress or malocclusion. Photo Shutterstock

5/ 6 Yellow teeth

Discoloration on the teeth is most often the result of inadequate hygiene, poor diet or smoking. If you took care to eliminate the above factors and your teeth still have an ugly color, it could be the result of taking medication. Products that have to be taken over a long period of time often cause changes to the teeth. Ask your doctor if the medications you are taking can cause discoloration, and if so, can they be replaced. Photo Shutterstock

6/ 6 Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are the most common symptom of inflammation. They can usually be treated easily, but if not taken care of, periodontal disease can develop. Therefore, bleeding gums should never be taken lightly. Photo Shutterstock

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