Not every woman, carrying a baby, especially if this is the first-born, thinks about how the baby feels in the womb. During the second pregnancy, the woman already listens to the baby, because she is interested in how he behaves there, how he prepares to appear in this world. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus is actively growing and developing, and how it feels depends largely on the mother.
From a small cell, four weeks after fertilization, a tiny creature appears, which already has a beating heart. At 12 weeks, the fetus develops tiny arms with nerve points on each finger, and the facial features become more expressive. During this period, the baby already begins to express his feelings on a small face and feel the emotional state of the mother.
A child in the womb receives all the necessary substances for development, growth, including oxygen – through the umbilical cord
Being in the womb, the baby reacts to everything that happens around him, he hears the work of the mother’s internal organs, and he feels her mood. Sounds play a special role in the development of the fetus, therefore, pregnant women are advised to listen to calm music, sing a lullaby and read fairy tales. It is especially necessary to do this constantly after 25 weeks, because by this time the hearing organs are fully developed.
It is necessary to communicate with the baby in a quiet environment, stroking the belly in a circular motion – the gentle touches of the mother are very important for the baby
The baby actively reacts to heavy music, abrupt movements of the mother, loud beats or a quarrel between parents. This can cause great harm to the unborn baby and lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
After 20 weeks, the baby already actively begins to show his emotions and reacts to the mother’s mood. Therefore, a woman should engage in positive activities and maintain a calm mood. The future mental development of the child largely depends on the woman’s nervousness during the entire period of pregnancy. The baby feels all the emotional feelings of the mother because of the hormones that are present in the woman’s body.
How the baby develops at different times is observed using ultrasound
The baby is able to silently inform his mother that he is hungry, by movements or strong jolts. The baby receives all the nutrients through the placenta, if there is a sharp clamp in the body, it means that the baby lacks the necessary nutrition or oxygen.
The future psyche of the baby is greatly influenced if a pregnant woman has been under stress for a long period. A child can grow up closed, and adaptation in society will be difficult for him.
It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to eat right and not to abuse smoking, strong tea and spicy foods – this makes the amniotic fluid bitter, which is very harmful for the baby, since the amniotic fluid absorbs the taste of food.
There is an amazing connection between mom and baby, because he always reacts to any change in the emotional state of a woman. If the mother is in a good mood, then the child is happy, because despite the fact that the baby is in the womb, he knows how not only to smile, but also to cry.
When the mother sleeps, the baby usually sleeps too. But if he is uncomfortable, if he is experiencing discomfort, he will definitely let you know about it with light jerks.
When carrying a child, you should not get upset over trifles, and even more so cry. Experts recommend avoiding loud sounds, refusing to watch horror and action movies, not listening to too loud and heavy music
A pregnant woman should try to control her emotions and not forget that the baby feels everything. The development of a child in the womb is a wonderful and mysterious process, and during this period, a woman is required as much love, attention and care as possible.