What does lowered PCT mean in morphology?

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What does decreased PCT morphology indicate? Should a low test result be a cause for concern? Could lowering PCT indicate any serious disease? Sandra Wrońska, a laboratory diagnostician, answers the question.

What does a reduced PCT result in morphology indicate?

Hello and welcome. A few days ago I was doing a blood count and I just got some results that worried me a bit. It is mainly about decreased PCT result. I performed the examination routinely, because I always do such preventive examinations in the spring and so far everything was fine. This time, however, the results are abnormal, mainly the reduced PCT is suspicious for me and I do not know what it is about. I have an appointment with the doctor, but I am very stressed about these results.

Could you please explain to me what it means decreased PCT in morphology? Should this result be a cause for concern? The remaining morphology results are normal, although indeed MPV and PDW are also at the lower limit of the normal range, but still within it. Only PCT in morphology it is much lower than the lower limit PCT norms in morphology. I would be grateful for the information if such low PCT is a cause for concern? Could decreased PCT in morphology be a symptom of any disease?

I haven’t changed anything in my lifestyle or diet lately, I haven’t been sick with anything, and the results of the morphology from a year ago were normal. Now, this lowered PCT is keeping me awake at night. I would be grateful for any information on what lowered PCT means in morphology.

What does a low PCT morphology result indicate? Diagnostician translates

PCT otherwise called plate-cry or platelet hematocrit is an index for determining the ratio of platelet volume to total blood volume. This parameter is measured during the blood count as one of the platelets-related indicators.

When performing a routine blood count, we determine three basic components: erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes (platelets).

Platelets are formed in the bone marrow, their main role is involved in the blood clotting process. The correct number of thrombocytes in the peripheral blood count is 150-400 thousand / uL.

Physiological fluctuations in the number of platelets amount to approx. 10% per day.

Additionally, other platelet parameters can be mentioned, which are determined in the morphological examination. These are: PDW (volume differentiation between individual platelets), MPV (average platelet volume), P-LCR (number of large platelets in relation to blood volume) and PCT, i.e. the previously described indicator determining the volume of platelet mass in relation to the total volume blood.

We need to look at the deviations from the norm in the determination of PCT as a whole (all plate parameters). If the above indicators exceed the upper limit of the norm, we can perform further diagnostics for thrombocytopenia, if they are below the norm, we can diagnose the patient for thrombocytopenia. It is very important that during the consultation of the result with the doctor, a thorough interview with the patient is carried out, concerning e.g. comorbidities, frequent blood donation, physical activity performed before the examination, past procedures, pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should we confuse the PCT indicator determined during blood count with the determination of procalcitonin (also PCT), which is a parameter for the diagnosis and monitoring of bacterial infections.

Sandra Wrońska, laboratory diagnostician

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