What does low MPV mean in morphology?

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What is the reason for the decreased level of MPV in general blood counts? What is MPV and what role does it play in our body? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What does a low MPV indicate in morphology?

Hello. I am 27 years old, I have a problem, or rather doubts. I have had for several months disturbed blood test results, and exactly lowered MPVwhat does that mean exactly? I know the results should be analyzed globally, but I don’t really know what MPV is and what role it plays in the human body. The doctor explained to me that low MPV in morphology it may mean, among other things, leukemia or uremia, but specialist results have ruled out these diseases in my case.

I was taking an antibiotic for a long time because I had acute bladder inflammation, is it possible that the low MPV in my morphology is the result of long antibiotic therapy? Is there a way, ie drugs or supplements, that can increase MPV levels?

I am also wondering if it is possible to increase MPV by introducing appropriate food products into your daily menu, if possible, what exactly should be included in such a diet? Is thrombocytopenia treatable other than leukemia? I’m afraid because I don’t know what’s really wrong with me. I don’t feel bad, I’m weakened, but I guess it’s the result of taking the antibiotic for a long time. I am asking for a reliable answer.

The doctor explains what low level of MPV in morphology means

Madam, MPV stands for mean platelet volume (Mean Platelet Volume). Target values ​​often depend on accepted laboratory standards, but should generally be in the range of 7.5-10.5 fl. MPV indirectly indicates the bone marrow’s ability to produce thrombocytes, i.e. platelets. Of course, it is not possible to analyze only one parameter. In addition to the results themselves, the patient’s health status should also be taken into account, including whether it presents any disease symptoms.

Incorrect MPV value with the remaining correct results, it does not necessarily indicate some serious disease. There is a relationship between the number of platelets and their size / volume. The more platelets, the smaller they are, so in the case of thrombocytopenia, the MPV parameter will increase.

The causes of thrombocytopenia may be different. Less serious such as bacterial diseases treated with long-term antibiotics, various types of inflammation in the body, chronic steroid use, deficiency of folic acid and B vitamins (especially in pregnant women).

You should also not forget about the sudden loss of platelets due to, among other things, bleeding. Unfortunately high MPV I am also linked to serious, life-threatening diseases. As you mentioned, this includes leukemia, but also bone marrow fibrosis, HIV or HCV infections, and intravascular coagulation syndrome.

Reduced MPV indicates a disturbance in the formation of platelets in the bone marrow. Iron deficiency or aplastic anemia are some of the causes of low MPV. Please remember that a reduction in MPV value alone does not authorize the diagnosis of severe haematological disease.

Unfortunately, dietary supplements or a proper diet are not a cure for this condition, especially if the cause is unknown. Of course, in the case of iron or vitamin deficiency, their supplementation can help the most, but it will not always be an effective solution. If I were you, I would do another examination after recovering from my illness.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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