What does itchy calves show?

Why are the calves itchy? Are itchy calves the first symptoms of more serious diseases? Should such symptoms be associated with diabetes? Is it worth doing any additional tests? Which specialist is worth visiting? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

Why are the calves itchy?

Hello, I am a woman, I am 52 years old, I do not have any chronic diseases, I do not take medications on a regular basis. And in all this there was an itchy calf. Persistent itchy calvesfor which nothing helps. I used ointments and gels for mosquito bites, but it helps for a short time. What does itchy calves show? Maybe this is the first symptom of a serious illness? I’m worried about diabetes because that’s the first thing that popped into my mind.

However, I still hope that it is nothing serious and the bothersome itching of the calves will just pass. Or maybe I should see a doctor and do some tests? However, I have no idea what tests can be ordered if you suffer from itchy calves. The itching, however, is terribly bothersome and sometimes I refrain from scratching myself to the blood. For now, moisturizing the legs helps for a short time, then I do not feel the itching so drastically, but I would not like to struggle with this for years. So what does itching on the calves mean? I am asking for help in finding the cause of my ailments. Regards.

Further part below the video.

The doctor indicates possible causes of itchy calves

There are many reasons why your legs can itch. The most common cause appears to be the products and various techniques used to shave your legs. The chemicals in the shaving gel can irritate the skin, as can damage to the cuticle when shaving. These two mechanisms lead to skin irritation, which in turn causes itching and scratching.

Shaving your legs can also lead to ingrown hairs. These hairs can cause red lumps that manifest with both itching and pain.

To alleviate itching, reach for the Liquorice liniment with celandine for red and itchy skin available on Medonet Market in a 60 ml package.

The cause of the itching There may also be contact eczema, which may be caused by an allergy to a given component, on the lower legs. Contact eczema can occur in people without any allergies at that time, and the lesion is a lump and a vesicle, accompanied by a feeling of itching. The most common causes of eczema around the thighs and lower legs are rubber, artificial fibers and paints, such as in tights or jeans.

The reasons contact eczema can also be caused by non-allergic causes, such as: irritating washing agents, detergents. Usually, the cause of contact eczema is the new product used, but it may occur as a reaction to a product that has been used repeatedly, so you should carefully inspect the cosmetics cabinet and take a break from some or all of the cosmetics used for the skin of the legs and change the washing agents.

Dry skin itself can also be itchy, so it is important to use emollients to help rebuild the epidermal lipid layer and keep the skin hydrated.

  1. In this case, we recommend the Aloesove moisturizing body lotion, which has antiseptic and regenerating properties. Contains linseed oil which prevents dryness of the epidermis

You should see a doctor specializing in dermatology if there is no improvement within two weeks after changing / discontinuing cosmetics, if itching interferes with normal functioning and in sleep, the symptom appeared suddenly and a logical cause of its occurrence cannot be found, affects the entire body, additional symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, changes in the rhythm of bowel movements, changes in the frequency of urination, fever.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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