What does it mean if I have to pee a lot?

Frequent urination is a rather troublesome condition that has various causes. It may indicate the development of infections or various diseases, so do not underestimate the frequent visits to the toilet and diagnose their immediate cause. What does it mean if I have to pee a lot?

  1. It is assumed that the norm is to urinate about seven times a day. You should be anxious about frequent pressure on the bladder and waking up to the bathroom at night
  2. Frequent urination can be a symptom of various diseases, so it should not be underestimated
  3. With the problem, you should contact your family doctor who will refer you for tests and make a diagnosis
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Frequent urination can be for many different reasons. Sometimes they are completely natural and harmless. Such situations include, among others taking diuretic tablets, also known as diuretics, or drinking plenty of fluids. What if pollakiuria is not justified by the above-mentioned factors? In this case, a doctor should be consulted and tests performed in order to find the source of the problem.

When are we talking about urinating too much?

Urinating is a natural, physiological activity that occurs when the bladder is full. Everyone has a different structure – this also applies to the capacity of the bladder, which affects the frequency of visits to the toilet.

This is important

According to statistics and research a healthy person urinates up to seven times a day during the day. The amount of fluid excreted is estimated at about 1,5 liters per day.

So when can we talk about pollakiuria? If you pee more than eight times a day and your bladder pressure wakes you up from a night’s sleep, the warning light should illuminate. It is also worth emphasizing that this feeling can be deceptive and the mictia may occur in small amounts.

What might the need to urinate more often?

Further part below the video.

What does it mean if I pee a lot? The most common causes of pollakiuria

Pollakiuria, which occurs along with other symptoms such as burning, discharge, itching of the external opening of the urethra, or painful urge when peeing, is often indicative of the development of a bladder infection or the presence of other medical conditions, e.g. inflammation of the prostate or urethra. These ailments should be consulted with a GP (primary health care) doctor who will indicate which tests should be performed. It is possible that women will also need to see a gynecologist. You can also test for urinary tract infections at home – you can buy it HERE.

Apart from the reasons mentioned frequent urination may also indicate type I and type II diabetes. One of the first symptoms of this disease is the increased need for fluid intake. It leads to frequent peeing and frequent visits to the toilet. Sometimes patients also complain about a specific, sweetish smell of urine. It is worth checking if frequent visits to the toilet are not a symptom of diabetes. You can buy a diagnostic test package at medonetmarket.pl.

Frequently pollakiuria is a symptom of abnormal kidney function. It occurs with chronic renal failure. While remaining the organ, it is worth mentioning hypothalamic-pituitary diabetes insipidus – a disease caused by a deficiency of vasopressin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Another example is frequent urination due to electrolyte disturbances.

Additionally, pollakiuria may be associated with diseases of the genital organs. In women, it may indicate:

  1. inflammation of the ovary
  2. endometriosis,
  3. inflammation of the fallopian tubes, 
  4. venereal diseases,
  5. cancers.

Another possible cause of frequent urination is irritable bowel syndrome, which most often affects women struggling with irregular periods. Concomitant symptoms may also include persistent constipation and vomiting. Irritable bowel lab mailing package available for purchase from Medonet Market.

Frequent urination and pregnancy

Mostly we hear that pregnant women complain about frequent visits to the toilet and constant pressure on the bladder. It is a common and natural phenomenon that has a simple explanation. A woman expecting a baby experiences many changes in the body. One such example is changes in water and electrolyte homeostasis and the action of hormones, including relaxin, which affects the kidneys. The volume of this organ increases and the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder increases the need to urinate more often. If the voiding is too frequent, and if the peeing is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain or burning, see your doctor to see if it is caused by an infection, such as cystitis.

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What can pollakiuria show in men?

Pollakiuria is a troublesome condition that affects not only women, but also men and children. In the case of the male gender, in addition to some of the reasons listed above, frequent urination may indicate an enlarged prostate gland, inflammation of the prostate, and even prostate cancer. In the case of the last two diseases, additional symptoms are, among others: pain, accompanying micturition, weak urine stream and difficulty in starting peeing.

It is also worth mentioning the psychological background that can cause frequent urination. Depression, in addition to depressed mood and other, axial symptoms, may well manifest as pollakiuria and uncomfortable urge to bladder.

Diagnosis of pollakiuria

If the reason for frequent visits to the toilet is not drinking more than usual amounts of fluids or taking medications that cause frequent pissing as a side effect, you should see a GP. He / she will help to locate the source of the troublesome ailment and implement appropriate treatment.

However, before it is possible, the specialist will refer the patient to appropriate tests. They usually include urine and blood tests. Sometimes it will be necessary to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a vaginal ultrasound of the uterus, and in men – an ultrasound of the prostate gland.

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The course of treatment of frequent urination

Depending on your diagnosis, treatment for an overactive bladder may be different. Some patients will be helped by taking diastolic drugs and painkillers, and the other group will require the introduction of an antibiotic. In addition to medical specifics, the implementation of dietary changes will also be helpful. It is worth eliminating ingredients that may affect frequent visits to the toilet. I am talking about food products such as chocolate, tomatoes, spicy spices and drinks – coffee, carbonated products or alcohol.

Treatment for pollakiuria often also includes Kegel exercises, which involve working on the pelvic muscles. Training performed at the appropriate frequency (three times a day for five minutes) will allow you to control the work of the bladder.

At the same time, we encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were talking about breathing. Breathe with your mouth or nose? How To Get Rid Of Bad Breathing Habits? What is breath re-reduction and how does it affect our mental and physical health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of breathing below.

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