What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry is an unpretentious tree that grows in many regions of Our Country. In spring, numerous small flowers with a pleasant aroma bloom on it. The following is a description of bird cherry, photos, features of cultivation and care.

Cherry is a berry or fruit

A fruit is an edible fruit that grows on trees and shrubs. This term is non-tanical, it is more often used in everyday life. Berries are called juicy edible fruits, in which there are no partitions between the seeds and the pulp. Their main difference from fruits is their small size.

Bird cherry is classified as a berry. She has small fruits, which are called drupes. They have a strong skin, one seed and pulp.

General description of bird cherry

Bird cherry looks like a tree or shrub. Its gray or black bark is covered with white lenticels. With age, cracks appear on the tree. The crown is dense and wide, the branches are drooping. Young shoots are greenish or reddish, quickly turning brown. The height of the bird cherry tree reaches 15 – 17 m.

The leaves are simple, smooth, ovate and oblong. The length of the leaf plate is from 3 to 10 cm. At the edges, the leaves are serrated and pointed at the tip.

How bird cherry looks like, you can see in the photo:

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry inflorescences are thick drooping brushes 10 cm long. The flowers are white or pink, very small. Each of them consists of 5 petals and a yellow core.

In July, spherical fruits ripen. Their size is 8-10 mm. The flesh is green, astringent. The bone is ovoid. The drupes are firm and green at first. When ripe, the skin turns red, then black.

The taste of bird cherry berries is sweet and sour, strongly astringent. Ripe fruits have a fixing effect, destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and normalize bowel function.

What family does the bird cherry belong to?

Bird cherry belongs to the Rose family, or Rose hips. This group includes pome, stone fruit and berry crops: apple, pear, raspberry, mountain ash, rose, etc. Bird cherry is also a representative of the Plum genus. Previously, it was classified as a subgenus Cheremukha, according to the current classification, it is included in the subgenus Cherry.

When cherry blossoms

The tree begins to bear fruit in the 5th or 6th year. Flowers appear in April-May. These times vary by region. In the south, flowers appear in April, in the middle lane – in early May. In colder regions, flowering shifts to late May and early June.

The flowers have a strong fragrance. With prolonged exposure, the smell causes malaise and headache. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep cut branches in the bedroom at home.

Advice! The fragrance of flowers repels mosquitoes and flies. If several inflorescences are left indoors, then insects will quickly leave it.

In spring, the inflorescences produce a lot of pollen and nectar. Therefore, they are used as spring honey plants. The flowers are actively pollinated by bees and other insects. The flowering period is 14 days.

Photo of blooming bird cherry:

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Where does bird cherry grow

In nature, bird cherry is found in North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. In Our Country, bird cherry is better known. The tree is found in the middle lane, in Siberia and the Urals. The bird cherry distribution area includes a vast territory from the North Caucasus to the Far East.

Bird cherry prefers a temperate climate. The tree grows in fertile, moist soils. It occurs in mixed and coniferous forests: on the edges, near rivers and reservoirs. It tolerates shade well, but develops faster in sunny areas. Frost tolerance is high.

Culture is used to decorate garden and park areas. Trees with a large number of leaves and inflorescences adorn summer cottages and city parks. They are used for single and group landings.

bird cherry species

The genus bird cherry combines about 20 species. Among them, the most famous are:

Bird cherry ordinary. Most often found in Our Country. It grows quickly, is resistant to frost, loves moist soil. The culture is planted to collect fruits or landscaping areas.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry Antipka. A low tree with a spherical crown. The leaves are rounded, the flowers are small, white, grow in racemes. Used for landscaping in the southern regions. Drought tolerant but susceptible to spring frosts.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry Virgin. It is found along rivers and reservoirs in North America. Reminds me of bird cherry. Its main difference is smaller buds, which are separated from the shoots. A tree up to 15 m high. In autumn, the leaves become brightly colored. The fruits are rounded, as they ripen, they change color from red to black. The pulp is juicy and edible.

Berries of bird cherry Virginskaya in the photo:

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry Maaka. It grows in the Far East, Korea and China. The tree reaches 17 m, has a pyramidal crown and reddish bark. Flowers are collected in long racemes. The fruits are small, round and inedible.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry small-sawed. The plant is native to the Far East. The tree is tall, with a spreading crown, up to 25 m high. In summer, the leaves are light green, in autumn they are brown and purple. Bird cherry with pink and white large flowers. The fruits are black, elongated, unsuitable for food.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

The best varieties of bird cherry

The best are decorative varieties of bird cherry, bred by domestic and Western breeders:

Colored. A small tree and shrub up to 6 m high. Young plants have purple leaves, while adults have green leaves with purple veins. The flowers are very showy, pinkish, grow in drooping racemes. Bird cherry fruits are black, suitable for eating.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Tenderness. It produces small flowers of bright red color, collected in large brushes. Bird cherry varieties Tenderness – frost-resistant shrub up to 3,5 m high. The crown is thickened, pyramidal in shape. Flowers with a pleasant delicate aroma. The fruits are sweet, medium in size. Variety Tenderness is resistant to frost, grows well in the shade.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Seagull. The tree grows up to 4,5 m in height. Flowers large, white. The inflorescences are racemose, up to 15 cm long. The flowers have a strong aroma. The leaves are elongated, green. The crown is spreading and thickened. The tree tolerates moderate frosts well.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

In memory of Salomatov. Frost-resistant hybrid, brings a high yield in the early stages. About 40 kg of berries are harvested from one tree.

Important! The fruits of the Memory Salomatova variety have a honey flavor without any astringency.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Captivity. A tree with a few large double flowers. The flowering period is longer than other varieties. Outwardly, the flowers resemble small roses. The variety is unique because of the double petals.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Varieties of bird cherry for Siberia

Siberian breeders have been interested in culture for about 40 years. In the course of the work, the best forms were selected. They were crossed with virgin and other North American species. As a result, hybrids resistant to Siberian conditions appeared.

The best varieties for Siberia:

Black shine. Hybrid of early fruiting. The tree reaches a height of 6 m. The crown is dense, in the form of a pyramid. The tree is self-fertile and requires a pollinator to form a crop. The fruits are black, with a glossy surface, collected in dense brushes. The taste is good, sweet and sour.

In the photo – the fruits of the bird cherry variety Black Shine:

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Siberian beauty. A tall tree, reaches 7 m. The leaves are green, turning purple by autumn. The fruits are black, weighing 0,7 g. The taste is good. The variety is suitable for decorating the alley, as well as for single plantings.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Purple candle. Srednerosly tree with a lot of shoots. The variety got its name due to the narrow pyramidal shape resembling a candle. Foliage is dark green in spring and summer, turning reddish in autumn. Flowering is medium, brushes up to 15 cm long.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Dawn. Virginia variety, blooming and ripening early. The tree is low, no more than 3 m. Self-fertility is partial, the yield increases when there is a pollinator nearby. Fruits are dark red, with tart notes. The yield is up to 10 kg of berries.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Red tent. The tree reaches a height of 4 m. The crown is dense, spherical. Inflorescences up to 17 cm long. In autumn, the leaves acquire a purple undertone, but less pronounced than that of the Siberian Beauty and Purple Candle. The taste of the berries is good.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Varieties of bird cherry with delicious fruits

Berries are consumed fresh and are widely used in cooking. Compotes, infusions, decoctions, fillings for baking are prepared from them. Therefore, good taste of fruits is of great importance for gardeners.

Varieties with delicious berries:

Sakhalin black. A variety of early fruiting, up to 7 cm high. The leaves and inflorescences are large. The flesh of the fruit is greenish. Berries have a pleasant sweet taste, light tart notes are felt.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Dense cystic. Universal variety of early ripening. Medium sized tree. Fruits weighing 0,6 g, slightly flattened. The skin is tender, easily removed from the berries. Berries have a sweet and sour tart taste, rich in sugars, acids, pectin, vitamins.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Self fertile. Hybrid of medium early fruiting. The tree is large and fast growing. Fruits weighing 0,7 g, black in color. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, slightly tart. For the formation of ovaries, the variety does not need pollinators.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Late joy. Hydrid mid-late fruiting. Berries have a universal purpose. The tree is large, quickly growing shoots. The fruits are one-dimensional, rounded, with a delicate skin. The flesh is yellow, sweet and sour.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry breeding

There are two main ways to propagate bird cherry: from the stone, cuttings or grafting. Each option has its own characteristics. Seedlings are placed in a sunny area with moist fertile soil. Choose places where groundwater is shallow. The tree is also used as a rootstock for other crops.

How to grow bird cherry from seed

From the stone, the species of Virginian, Ordinary and Maaka are propagated. The best results are shown by the reproduction of virgin varieties. To get new plants, large ripe fruits are selected in the fall.

Advice! After harvesting, the skin is removed from the berries and the bones are washed under running water.

Seeds are placed in wet sand and kept in the refrigerator. It is best to plant the seeds immediately in the ground. Growing through seedlings is allowed. In this case, the planting material is subjected to stratification within 8 months. This is a complex and lengthy process that does not always end successfully.

For planting, choose the period when the leaf fall has passed. It is important to carry out the work before the onset of frost. Seeds are dipped in loose fertile soil. The embedment depth is 1 cm. 15 cm are left between the bones. Then they are covered with earth and watered well. For the winter, a layer of humus mulch is poured.

Seedlings will appear next year. During the season, weeds are weeded in the garden and the soil is loosened, preventing it from drying out. Seedlings are regularly watered with warm water. It is applied in the morning or evening strictly under the roots of plants. In spring, bird cherry is fed with ammonium nitrate. In autumn, a mixture of potassium salt and superphosphate is added to the soil.

Too dense seedlings are thinned out. Between plants stand 20 – 25 cm. After two years, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Propagation of bird cherry cuttings in spring

Garden bird cherry is also propagated by green cuttings. This method is suitable if the desired variety is already growing on the site. In autumn, young shoots are selected and cuttings 20 cm long are cut off. In winter, they are kept in a cool place, they do not allow drying out or mold.

In March, the cuttings are brought to light and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the planting material is placed in water and wait for the roots to appear. Planting begins when the snow melts and the soil warms up. It is best to choose a well-lit area for planting.

Seedlings are transferred to fertile soil. Between the plants leave 20 – 30 cm. The cuttings are placed in the holes and their roots are covered with earth. Be sure to water the plants abundantly. They are not recommended to be replanted often, so a permanent place is immediately found for seedlings.

The cuttings are constantly looked after. The soil is moistened as it dries. Warm settled water is poured under the root of the plant. It is best to choose for watering the morning or evening period. After rain or moisture, the soil is carefully loosened so as not to damage the roots.

Cherry grafting

Bird cherry is also propagated by grafting. Many varietal traits are lost when propagated by seeds. As a stock, a winter-hardy ordinary species is chosen. This allows you to get a hybrid with unusual flowers or tasty fruits. As a result, 95% of scions take root.

What does it look like when cherry blossoms

Bird cherry grafting methods:

  1. Budding. The deadline for the work is the end of July. First, the main tree is prepared: branches are removed in the lower part and 5 strong shoots are left. As a stock, one-year-old cuttings with strong wood are chosen. A T-shaped hole is cut in the bark. A scion is placed in it and tied around it.
  2. Copulation. This method is used for small trees when it is not possible to make a hole in the bark. Work begins in winter or early spring, until sap flow begins. On the rootstock and the handle, identical sections are made, which are combined and wrapped.

Grafted seedlings need special care. They are watered and fed with nitrogen fertilizers: a solution of mullein, ammonium nitrate, nitrophoska.

What can be grafted onto bird cherry

Bird cherry is a winter-hardy and unpretentious tree. Therefore, it is used as a rootstock for other crops. This method of reproduction is chosen in cold regions where it is difficult to grow fruit trees from seedlings.

Important! Best of all, cherries and cherries take root on bird cherry.

Less successful is the grafting of plums and pears. The leaves on the scion begin to turn yellow and fall off. Plum requires a lot of nutrients that bird cherry cannot provide. A pear rarely gets along with any scions.


The unpretentious bird cherry, the photo of which was given above, pleases gardeners with its flowering and abundant fruiting. Both wild and cultivated varieties are suitable for planting. Bird cherry can be grown from seed or cuttings. The tree is also used as a rootstock.

Bird cherry

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