What does craft beer mean: short and clear in a nutshell

Craft beer (craft beer) – an alcoholic drink of private production, which is produced in small batches, where the main emphasis is on the taste, aroma and texture of the beer.

Craft brewers are the real experimenters who stand guard over modern technologies, classic recipes and beer trends.

In short

Craft beer, or as we also call it craft beer, is:

  1. Author’s or old recipes brewed according to a unique recipe in mini-breweries.

  2. Beer with a traditional base, which includes 50% malt, but with the addition of all sorts of additives (chocolate, chili, spices, moon dust and even lobster) that make the drink unique.

  3. Real art, which does not mean making big profits and conveyor production of one variety (with the exception of vintage ones), since real craft beer is produced in small batches and is never repeated.

  4. 100% natural composition without any chemical additives.

The history of craft beer

It all started with the emergence of the first microbreweries in the UK, which later led to the “craft revolution”. The most notable example is Bill Urquhart’s Brewery, founded in 1975 in a village in Willingbrough County. But in England, with a traditional abundance of local varieties, the idea of ​​small breweries did not become popular, although they showed a high flexibility in the range of products provided, the ability to quickly respond to customer wishes, as well as innovation and experimentation.

The triumphal procession around the world of craft began from America. When authentic small breweries went bust during the Great Depression in 1930 and were bought up by market giants Budweiser and Miller, stripping American beer of its identity. And then the Americans began to brew beer with original tastes, first in small quantities for themselves and friends, and then for more people.

The word “craft” was first used in 1983, when New Brewer magazine published an article by Vinson Cotton “Craft Brewing Comes of Age” about the Seattle brewery, calling it a microbrewery (craft brewing).

Two years later, Cotton defined craft beer: “I used the term Craft Brewery to describe a small brewery that uses traditional methods and raw materials to produce craft, uncompromising beer that is sold locally. I called this beer Real Beer.”

In just 35 years, craft production from two or three small private breweries has become so popular that it can dictate its own terms to the market.

Everything you need to know about craft beer

The American and European variations of the definition of craft beer and craft brewing are most likely the criteria by which the product is evaluated and allows you to determine the main difference between craft beer and ordinary beer.

It is worth noting that the American definition was given and recorded by the American Brewers Association:

  1. The brewery should be small and produce no more than 6 million barrels of beer per year.

  2. The freedom of action. This means that 75% of the capital of the brewery must be owned by her.

  3. Traditional. The basis of beer should be malt (at least 50%), and all kinds of additives (vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, spices) should improve the taste. But if the brewer is trying to reduce the cost by adding various additives, then in this case he will not be considered a craft manufacturer.

The European definition is less regulated, but still found in the beer literature, is that the production of a drink should be based not on a commercial goal, but on a creative, innovative and experimental component. In other words, the brewer must look for new flavors, experiment with basic recipes, and create a masterpiece, but without financial gain.

The first (American) definition looks logical. It is quite clear and measurable. This is really a criterion that can be met or not met.

Craft beer production in Russia

The laws of the Russian Federation make life very difficult for small brewers. If you add any additional product to the classic recipe, even a spoonful of honey, you must immediately register a new type of beer. But apart from paperwork, it costs a lot of money. And some craft beer makers are forced to work illegally or give up creative experiments, which is contrary to craft brewing.

The most popular types of craft beer

  1. Pale Ale (Pale Ale)

    Craft lager beer with a pronounced taste of malt and a characteristic aroma of hops and caramel.

  2. India Pale Ale (Indian Pale Ale)

    This is a more intoxicating version of a pale ale with a pronounced hop aroma, where fruity, floral or pine notes may be present.

  3. Craft beer IPA

    The most popular variety among amateur brewers, because it is very easy to prepare. This craft drink is considered the most consumed in Russia.

  4. Porter

    A very dark beer that combines both sweetness and bitterness, and rich notes of malt in the aroma. A distinctive feature of porters is wine notes with chocolate or coffee undertones, which are felt in most versions of this variety.

  5. Stout

    A dark ale beer brewed with roasted barley malt and caramel malt. Originally brewed in Ireland as a type of porter.

  6. Sour Ale

    Tart beer with a pleasant sourness, a real summer trend. A foamy drink is fermented thanks to wild yeast.

It is important to remember that the shelf life of craft beer directly depends on the strength of the drink. The higher the alcohol content, the longer the drink will keep.

If the foamy drink has a strength of 4%, then the shelf life does not exceed 3 months, craft varieties with a strength of 4 to 6% can be stored for about 6 months. And the strength of beer above 6% is stored for more than six months.

Relevance: 11.12.2017

Tags: beer, cider, ale

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