According to the Taoist system of “five elements” U-Sin, the style of clothing and the way we present ourselves can tell not only about our psychological characteristics, but also about our physical condition. What do Taoist doctors say about this?
Taoists believe that each season is associated with one or another element, the activity of some organ and with a certain emotion.
According to the Chinese system of “five elements”, the life energy qi manifests itself in five types of matter: earth, wood, fire, metal and water. Deficiency or excess of one of the elements cause diseases of certain organs and affect mood and self-awareness.
The element of autumn – metal – is associated with the lungs. This is a period when we are especially sensitive to how the world accepts us. And our sense of self is reflected in clothes, jewelry – in a word, in how we look.
Who am I and how do people see me?
If you feel confident and your body works perfectly, then the emotion of the season will be confidence: “I know who I am”, “I deserve what I get”, “the world accepts me for who I am”, “I am loved”. If there are health problems, then sadness will become the emotion of the season. And it will affect what you wear.
So, if there is too much metal in your image, then the clothes will be too pretentious, they will “scream” about the owner’s belonging to a particular social circle. Overly large gold watches, unthinkably catchy jewelry, frankly branded clothes.
If we look at this situation through the prism of the “five elements” system, we will be able to notice a signal of an imbalance in the metal. If the clothes are untidy, the look is sloppy, then we can assume its lack.
metal balance
Taoist doctors can predict the development of the disease for several years before the exacerbation begins. Of course, we will not be able to make diagnoses with the same accuracy. But if we know how the metal imbalance is reflected in clothes, we can understand which organ to pay attention to.
If a person dresses deliberately flashy or casually, most likely he has problems with his lungs.
Here are some ways to prevent the development of respiratory diseases.
- Eliminate harmful factors. Quit smoking, do wet cleaning at home more often, ventilate the apartment. There is nothing we can do about the environmental situation, but at the very least, walking and running along busy trails, where it is especially difficult to breathe, should be avoided. Walk in the forest, in the park. If you spend most of your time at home, then you should install an air conditioner with an air purification function, or at least buy a humidifier.
- Correct your posture. In order for the lungs to breathe, the chest must be free, relaxed. Slouching reduces lung capacity, which is why Taoist doctors recommend relaxation exercises first. Such gymnastics as, for example, Sing Shen Juang – qigong for the spine – removes the usual tension, allowing the spine to straighten. The chest opens up, and you can literally breathe with a full chest.
- Do breathing exercises. Note that you need to start with gentle, non-aggressive breathing practices. For example, with neigong – a breathing practice of energy accumulation.
Get started on your lung health now. After all, the freer and lighter our breathing, the better our mood.