What does a woman look like who hasn’t washed her hair for 64 years

And this is not a crazy experiment at all.

Shampooing is a process that everyone approaches differently. Some prefer to do it every day, others try to take pauses. There are daredevils who decide on unusual experiments: for example, the famous British TV presenter Suzanne Constantine in quarantine tried to give up shampoo for 6 weeks. But the star’s experience is no match for the record set by Nguyen Thi Dinh. A Vietnamese woman hasn’t washed her hair for 64 years, and for good reason.

Nguyen Thi Dinh is 83 years old, and her relationship with beauty treatments has not worked out since her youth. For the first time, Nguyen cut her hair only at the age of 19, but the usual trip to the salon turned into disastrous consequences. After the haircut, the girl began to suffer from severe headaches. The parents took Thi Dinh to the doctor, but the prescribed treatment did not relieve her ailments. When the hair grew back, the migraine receded. Since then, Nguyen has stopped cutting her hair.

“As the hair grew back, the condition gradually improved. It’s strange, but when I washed my hair, the pain returned again. Therefore, I completely gave up washing and did not let my hair come into contact with water, ”she said in an interview with Tinmoi.vn.

Hair grew back, and it became more and more difficult to live with such hair. Nguyen found a way out of the situation and began to braid them in a large braid. For 64 years, her hair has reached 6 meters, so Thi Din’s original styling resembles a huge snake. It is noteworthy that the lower part of her hair is brown, and her hair is completely sat down to her back. Nguyen is happy with such an unusual combination: she claims that the dark shade reminds her of the days of her youth.

Since 1990, Thi Dinh has been living in a Buddhist temple. She began reciting mantras, became a vegetarian and chose a healthy lifestyle for herself. According to Nguyen, all this helped her to maintain health, both physical and mental. And the hair of the Vietnamese Rapunzel is also fine: it still grows by about 10 cm per year.

By the way, Nguyen is far from the only one who decided to abandon the services of hairdressers. There is a woman in America who has never cut her hair in her life, and her daughters followed mom’s example. Read more about this here.

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