What does a Polish woman know about contraception? Few.

The hormonal pill is one of the most frequently chosen methods of contraception by women, but as many as 60 percent of them do not know what influences its effectiveness. And this is not the end! One in five women thinks the pill can protect her from sexually transmitted diseases. Why do Polish women know so little about hormonal contraception? We asked dr. Grzegorz Południewski, gynecologist and obstetrician.

For a year, gynecologists from all over Poland interviewed their patients in the program “Contraception for You”. There were as many as 17760 women, all of them started or continued oral hormonal contraception.

Theoretically, most of the interviewees were very knowledgeable about the effects of contraceptive pills. Because about 91 percent. correctly indicated that the hormones contained in them prevent ovulation, the fertilization process or the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Three-quarters of women (almost 76%) showed the knowledge that apart from being highly effective in preventing pregnancy, taking oral hormonal contraception can alleviate the pain associated with monthly bleeding (withdrawal bleeding is not a menstrual period), reduce the so-called premenstrual syndrome and reduce the risk of developing ovarian cysts.

And that’s the end of good news. One in 10 users of this method did not know that the most effective contraceptive pills would be taken at the same time each day. More than one-fifth of the surveyed women do not know what to do if they miss one pill. Almost 19 percent did not know that when less than 12 hours have elapsed since its scheduled admission, it should be taken as soon as possible, and the next pill should be taken at the usual time, and 2,6 percent. women felt that this should not be done. Meanwhile, the regularity of taking birth control pills is crucial to maintaining the effectiveness of this method.

– American research shows that nearly 40 percent forget to take a pill. women. Why is this happening? Usually life is a distraction. Sudden departure or crowds of activities make a woman forget about something as simple as taking a tablet at a specific time – says Grzegorz Południewski, gynecologist and obstetrician, in an interview with Medonet.

Worse, more than 40 percent. The surveyed patients did not realize how other medications they were taking (including antiepileptic drugs, antibiotics) or herbal preparations (e.g. based on St. John’s wort) might reduce the effectiveness of oral contraception.

Why don’t Polish women have basic information?

– Because there is no education in this field and it will probably not be for a long time. The belief that contraception is wrong is still alive. Many women are ashamed to admit that they take birth control pills when they have to change their gynecologist, they are afraid to ask for a prescription. But the problem is not only contraception, but sexuality itself. A large group of women do not ask questions when in doubt because they do not know how the doctor will react. Fortunately, there are also women who use new technologies and the Internet. When they come to the office, they often already have some knowledge and are much less embarrassed – adds the specialist.

It is very important to finally overcome this fear. The women interviewed under the project “Contraception for You” agreed that contact with a specialist is the most desirable source of knowledge in the field of contraceptive use.

The educational program “Contraception for You”, under which the test was performed, was initiated by Gedeon Richter.

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