What does a person feel when they die? Scientists recorded something unusual

Almost everyone asks themselves if death is painful and what then happens to the human body and brain. Do we feel pain and suffering, or maybe bliss? It turns out that doctors are getting closer to answering these questions.

  1. US scientists accidentally recorded the electrical activity of the brain (EEG) of an 87-year-old who died of a heart attack during the study
  2. Studies conducted on laboratory rats have shown that while dying, the intensity of gamma waves increased in them. for love and altruism
  3. An experiment conducted by the British confirmed that near-death phenomena have much to do with narcotic intoxication
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

Many people fear death because of the pain that accompanies this process. Most expect a mild and painless death after a long and healthy life. Therefore, science is trying more and more accurately to answer the question of what a person feels when he goes from life to death.

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According to healthline.com, scientists accidentally recorded the brain waves of a deceased 87-year-old patient. The patient was admitted to the University Hospital of Louisville in Kentucky (USA) after an epileptic seizure, which was a consequence of the fall. Throughout his stay in the facility, the senior was connected to an electroencephalograph (EEG) to test brain activity during seizures and administer appropriate treatment. In one of the attacks, the 87-year-old had a heart attack and died.

A man’s brainwave patterns 30 seconds before and after his heart has stopped they were similar to what happens in dreaming, recalling events in memory, and meditating. However, it is not possible to tell from the EEG what the man might have experienced in his mind at the time of death.

Death definition

For centuries, the so-called classic definition of death. Its determinant was cessation of respiratory and circulatory functions. However, the development of medicine (including the introduction of an artificial lung) forced the redefinition of this concept. Currently, the law in Poland provides that death is confirmed on the basis of cessation of vital functions of the brain.

This random study confirms the results of a 2013 experiment that was conducted on laboratory rats. Scientists recorded their vital signs while dying. During observations, it turned out that the number of gamma waves produced in the brains of these animals increased. In mammals they correspond, inter alia, to for love and altruism.

This experiment shows what happened to the brain as it transitions between life and death. However, there is another very important question how did the dying themselves feel it?

How does the human body feel death?

Academics at the Imperial Collage in London tried to answer this question and in 2018 conducted an experiment. The researchers assumed that the neurochemical “death experience” was similar to the state after taking hallucinogenic drugs.

As part of the trial, the team looked at 13 healthy volunteers who were injected with a strong drug over two sessions dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and placebo. Then they were to describe their experiences. They were very close to the so-called near-death experiences (NDE).

A near death experience symptoms

A near-death experience is, to put it simply, a feeling that is experienced by a person who has been clinically dead or has almost died. The most common symptoms of this phenomenon include:

  1. feeling that you can see and hear when you are out of the body;
  2. entering or going through a tunnel;
  3. mystical light;
  4. intense and mostly positive emotions;
  5. “A movie from life”;
  6. meeting with deceased relatives;
  7. decision to return.

This behavior of the human brain, close to intoxication, can be one of the methods of the human body for the transition between life and death. Scientists have noted that there is a certain gradation of dying out of the human body. First, hunger and thirst fade away, then speech, and hearing and sight fade last. When the brain shuts down, more organs stop working. A bruising of the limbs and skin can be observed already 30 minutes after death, and after about four hours the body stiffens.

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