Employees of the cleaning company shared shocking pictures. How it was possible to live in such filth is impossible to imagine.
If hell existed, it would probably look exactly like the apartment of an elderly British widower. After the death of his wife, he tried to manage the household as best he could, but it turned out worse than just bad. As a result, the once cozy house was simply overgrown with dirt: rubbish was scattered everywhere, glass lampshades turned gray with dust, the color of the floor was impossible to make out under layers of something spilled and smeared.
The man, according to employees of the cleaning service, has been trying to cope with the disorder on his own for several years. But for some reason, nothing came of it: chaos finally got out of control and engulfed the house. The landlord was ashamed to seek help from professionals to the last: the woman who looked after him did it for him.
“We spent a total of 50 hours cleaning: six of our employees washed, cleaned, and took out the trash for more than eight hours,” says My Kind of Clean, which tried to tidy up the house. – We took out two trucks of garbage. There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you can’t do it yourself. Each of us needs an extra pair of hands one day. Well, or six pairs. “
After the work was completed, the owner of the house literally did not recognize his home.
“He is speechless,” laughs the staff of My Kind of Clean. – The woman who cares for him said that the man was absolutely happy. So much so that I immediately went to my clean bed. “
The company shared the results of its work on its page on the social network: they showed how the house looked like before their visit and what it looks like now. The photos are really impressive. The comments even suggested that the owner of the house is deeply depressed. It is quite possible, because in fact the apartments of real bachelors look completely different.