What does a headache on the tip mean? Causes, diagnosis, treatment

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Topical headaches are common, and the sources can range from migraines to tension pain. In order to find out the exact cause of the pain at the top of the head, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis. Getting to know the source of the pain will greatly help in starting treatment and eliminating unpleasant ailments.

  1. Pain at the top of the head is an unpleasant ailment that does not have a single source
  2. If such pain is prolonged, consultation with a specialist is recommended
  3. The most common type of headache is tension pain
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The causes of the headache on the top

Headache is a very common ailment. A headache is not always a sign of illness, it is sometimes the result of fatigue, stress or a poor diet. A headache at the top can be due to a variety of reasons. The types of such pain are divided according to the nature of its cause:

  1. headache on the tip of a tension – this type of pain is associated with tension in the muscles of the nape and neck. It feels like pressure in the head and is often accompanied by pain in tense muscles. Tension pain is the most common type of headache in the world;
  2. headache at the tip of a migraine – migraine is known to many of us. Migraine headaches are severe, paroxysmal and usually affect only one part of the head. Migraine pains are often accompanied by: aura, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances or dizziness. The headache at the top of migraines can last from several hours to several days;
  3. cluster headache – a very intense headache at the tip that occurs only on one side of the head, most often around the eye. The headache lasts for several hours and takes place in the so-called clusters, e.g. every day for several days or months, followed by a break in pain. The pain at the top of the head is prickly;
  4. other types of headache on the top – headache on the top can be caused by sick sinuses, mental diseases and hypoxia.

It has a soothing effect on headaches, among others miruna pyrethrum, which you will find in MIGRENCE – Herbapol herbal and fruit tea in Krakow.

Schedule a consultation with your GP to find out the cause of your headache. Currently, you can arrange it online via the halodoctor.pl portal. The visit will take place without leaving your home.

Headache at the top – diagnostics indicated

Headache diagnostics at the tip is aimed at indicating the source of the emerging ailment. Prolonged headache at the top should always be consulted with a doctor. Initial diagnosis is based on a thorough medical history, which includes the nature of pain, its location and the determination of the factors that cause and intensify the pain. In many cases, after a thorough interview, the doctor is able to find out what is causing the headache at the top. If the medical history does not give a specific answer, the specialist starts a physical examination. The doctor will examine the head for signs of pathological changes that could cause pain or be a sign of the disease. The final stage in the diagnosis of headache at the tip is imaging of the central nervous system. Your doctor may refer you to a CT scan or MRI scan.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the head contracts today at the MRI Diagnostyka facility via the portal medonetmarket.pl.

How to treat a headache on the tip?

Treating a tip headache depends on the diagnosis made. A tension pain at the top of the head can be treated without medical intervention. To eliminate a headache, you should minimize mental stress and gradually relax the stiffness of the muscles in the neck and head. Pain medications, including paracetamol and ibuprofen, can also help for a headache at the top of your head. In the fight against the headache on the tip, it is helpful to change your lifestyle, i.e. change your diet, implement physical activity and eliminate or minimize stressful situations.

Give yourself a headache. Use Visiomed Thermotherapy Gel Compress.

The cause of a headache may also be a vitamin B12 deficiency, so we recommend a dietary supplement with vitamin B12, which supplements the daily dose of the micronutrient. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price. It is also worth reaching for herbs such as Light head – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which includes: peppermint leaf, narrow-leaved lavender flower, elderberry fruit, and valerian root.

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