What does a baby do when in mom’s belly?

Who would have thought how much a baby can do even before birth. All the secrets became known thanks to ultrasound.

280 days. 6720 hours. Or 403200 minutes. This is about how long the pregnancy lasts. And imagine, all this time your baby needs to do something. During this time, you would have had time to go on vacation twice, work hard, go to a restaurant or theater, watch dozens of premieres in cinemas, meet friends, talk to your parents. The baby in your belly is limited in movement. But his intrauterine life cannot be called boring. Firstly, he gladly reminds of his presence with delicate, and sometimes not quite, kicks. Secondly, future mothers on ultrasound will find out that the baby is sucking a finger. So-so entertainment, but still an occupation. And your future daughter or son listens to the sounds from the outside: they say, is it time to get to know mom personally?

But you didn’t even know what amazing things the child within you does! So, we reveal the secrets. So, being in the tummy, baby …


Yes Yes! Already in the stomach, the baby knows how to smile. He has been doing this since 26 weeks. Of course, in the first weeks of life, the skill fades out for a short time, but over time it comes back.

The baby smiles when he feels that his mother is in a good mood, when he hears pleasant music, when he falls asleep.


But what without it! True, the baby is crying not because of a bad mood. From birth, crying is a means of communication with the world. Doctors made this unusual discovery on an ultrasound scan. Sometimes the video shows the child’s lower lip trembling. And the sounds he makes are very similar to crying.

Tastes food

Correctly say, taste preferences are laid in the womb. Therefore, future mothers are strongly advised by doctors to revise their diet, eat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, give up fast food and fatty fried foods. And not only for the sake of their own health, but also for the health of future offspring.

The child learns about what the mother eats by the taste of the amniotic fluid. Gets used to certain foods and prefers them in adulthood. The taste begins to form around the 15th week of pregnancy. On ultrasound, you can see that the baby, for example, prefers to swallow sweet amniotic fluid, and frowns at the bitter taste. Imagine that even before birth, your baby knows the taste of garlic, anise, ginger.


Do not be surprised, the baby not only swallows amniotic fluid, but also secretes it out. The liquid is digested, enters the kidneys and is excreted back into the uterine cavity. This happens several times a day. The kid begins to do “pee-pee” by the end of the first trimester.


Starting from the 9th week, the baby tries to breathe. The supply of oxygen is provided by the umbilical cord. The baby learns to make movements similar to breathing, and catches these oxygen droplets.

Opens eyes

After the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to react to light. He can even turn his back if bright sunlight reaches him, so in the summer, too, mothers are advised to hide their belly from the sun under their clothes. Of course, the baby will see little inside you, but vision already starts to work in the third trimester.

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