What doctors need to go through a year for prevention of a child

What doctors need to go through a year for prevention of a child

Babies up to one year old are monitored by a pediatrician every month. He notes how the baby grows and develops during this period. But once he turns 12 months old, it’s time for a whole host of other professionals to show up. Let’s talk about which doctors need to go through a year. This is necessary in order to exclude possible pathologies in the development of a little man.

What doctors should a one-year-old child go through

The list of doctors that must be visited by one-year-old children is the same for everyone.

One-year-old children undergo medical examination for the prevention of diseases

Here is a list of doctors who need to show the baby:

  • Neurologist. It evaluates motor function as well as mental, physical and psychological development.
  • Orthopedist. He makes sure that the baby’s musculoskeletal system develops normally. The specialist will check the baby for flat feet or scoliosis.
  • Surgeon. The doctor examines the patient for violations of the development of internal organs. He also looks at the umbilical ring to rule out an umbilical hernia.
  • Ophthalmologist. The specialist detects diseases of the eyes and retina. An optometrist can detect myopia, astigmatism, strabismus and other diseases of the organs of vision at an early stage of development.
  • Cardiologist. Before going to him, the baby will need to do an ECG. Using this method, any disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system are reliably and accurately diagnosed.
  • Otolaryngologist. The ENT will examine the condition of the ears, nose, throat. His duties include checking if the adenoids are enlarged and giving recommendations for hardening the body.
  • Dentist. The doctor checks the correctness of the bite, and whether all the teeth have erupted on time.

Such a comprehensive and comprehensive examination will show how well the child is developing. If there are any problems, it is better to identify them early, when it is much easier to fix everything.

What other doctors need to go through for prevention

More recently, a psychiatrist and a gynecologist for girls have been added to the list of compulsory doctors. Although visiting these specialists scares even parents, it is still worth paying a visit. It happens that mothers take care of the girl badly or incorrectly. The result is coalescence of the labia, inflammation or thrush. The gynecologist will externally examine the girl’s genitals in order to exclude or detect these diseases.

A trip to any of the listed doctors should not be neglected. After all, we are talking about the health of the baby. A minor problem noticed at this age can be easily corrected. But if it is not noticed and is not cured in time, then this can seriously affect health in the future. Therefore, even if it seems to the mother that her baby is absolutely healthy, it will be better if this is confirmed by experts.

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