What do your eyes say about your health?

It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Perhaps, but they reflect something else – the state of our health. It is worth looking closely at your eyes – if only to minimize the risk of various diseases and ailments. (compiled by dailymail.co.uk)

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1/ 5 Dark circles under the eyes

The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes is lack of sleep and fatigue. It is enough to get a good night’s sleep (7-8 hours) and they will disappear quickly. However, if the shadows do not disappear despite resting, it may be a sign that you are anemic or have thyroid problems. In this case, it is best to see a doctor. If your doctor finds no disturbing conditions in your body, then what you eat is the culprit. Dark circles under the eyes can also appear when the body does not tolerate milk, wheat or gluten-containing products.

2/ 5 Yellow shade of the whites of the eyes

The yellow shade of the whites of the eyes is a signal that should not be taken lightly, as it may indicate liver disease. Their palette is quite wide and includes hepatitis, liver dysfunction, biliary obstruction and jaundice. If all these ailments have been ruled out by a doctor, then it is worth taking better care of this organ: give up alcohol, reduce the consumption of sugar, flour and processed products, and eat more vegetables.

3/ 5 Bloodshot eyes

Bloodshot eyes can herald conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis, and glaucoma. However, there are less serious ailments that come with this symptom. Among them, the most common, i.e. fatigue caused by, for example, prolonged work at the computer. In this case, it is worth taking a few or a dozen or so minutes breaks at work so that your eyes can rest. Bloodshot proteins can also be the result of an allergy.

4/ 5 Dry eyes

Dry eyes are a condition that many patients feel as if there are particles of sand under the eyelid irritating the surface of the eyeball. The most common disease in this case is dry eye syndrome. However, not only that. Postmenopausal women or those who are deficient in vitamin A can complain of dry eyes, as well as those who consume too little of the healthy fats. A potential culprit may also be Sjögren’s syndrome – a chronic inflammatory disease in which autoimmune processes play a major role. Its main symptom is dry eyes due to impaired tear production and dry mouth due to insufficient saliva. This syndrome may be associated with an increased risk of developing potentially fatal hematological malignancies, so its symptoms should not be underestimated.

5/ 5 Swollen eyes

You used to put a slice of cucumber on swollen eyes – the lids and the area where shadows usually appear. The swelling wears off after a while, but if it persists, it could be a harbinger of a more serious illness. It may be related to an imbalance of sodium and potassium in the body, the regulation of which is closely related to too much salt intake and too little consumption of, for example, vegetables. Swollen eyes may also indicate that your kidneys need support – you should drink plenty of water and avoid coffee and alcohol.

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