What do you need to wear on a hot day? The dermatologist lists. And warns

The heat is back. The temperature outside the window can even exceed 30 degrees. While enjoying the warm sunshine, we cannot forget about the effects of long-term exposure to such conditions. – We definitely should all use preparations that provide protection against UVA and UVB radiation – warns dermatologist Anna Bachleda-Curuś, reminding at the same time that it is impossible to develop sun resistance.

  1. This summer we cannot complain about the lack of sun. The temperature has already reached the value of at least 30 degrees Celsius several times.
  2. We should never forget about the need for increased sun protection – the dermatologist says
  3. It is also important to properly moisturize, as well as clothing and footwear matched to the weather conditions
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Adrian Dąbek, Medonet: Recently we have been haunted by heat waves, the temperature even exceeds 30 degrees C. What does a dermatologist think about in such a situation?

Bow. Anna Bachleda-Curuś: From the point of view of a dermatologist, on hot summer days, the priority is to take care of our skin, with particular emphasis on its protection against solar radiation.

It is undoubtedly a multifaceted issue and requires an individual approach each time – depending on the type and needs of a specific person’s skin. However, we can point out a few basic rules that will allow us to meet the challenge of entering a kind of summer care regimen, which has its own rules and is different than in the colder months.

First of all, let’s never forget about the need for increased sun protection. We should avoid excessive exposure to the sun, especially during the hours of the strongest sunshine (10 am-16pm). In addition, a properly selected product with a high protective filter is an absolute must have. You should also protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunglasses and using moisturizing lipsticks with a filter. We also do not overlook the protection of the ears against solar radiation. We cannot forget about the obligatory protection of the hair and scalp (the use of special products with filters, a hat).

Our daily care routine also requires our attention – in the summer it is worth focusing on gentle cleansing, reaching for cosmetics with a lighter formula, using products with a refreshing effect (such as mists and thermal waters), and possibly giving up heavy make-up.

Of course, it is extremely important to ensure the proper level of hydration of the body – both inside and outside. It is therefore not only about the use of delicate moisturizing products, but also providing the body with the optimal amount of water. In addition, a healthy, light diet rich in vegetables and fruits not only has a positive effect on our well-being, but is also reflected in the condition of our skin.

Let’s not forget about choosing clothes and footwear that suit the weather conditions – on hot days, airy, natural fabrics are the best. The hot weather is obviously also associated with the need for increased attention to personal hygiene.

When it comes to the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, it is worth knowing that some treatments, such as fractional laser, microdermabrasion or chemical peels, are not recommended in summer.

As a doctor, I cannot fail to mention the need to protect myself against possible insect bites and stings, which, unfortunately, occur relatively often during our holiday trips.

Compliance with the above rules will largely ensure safe use of the sun, so that we can fully enjoy the charm of summer days and high temperatures, for which we wait all year round.

Does everyone absolutely have to use sunscreen?

Yes, we should definitely all reach for preparations that provide protection against UVA and UVB radiation. This applies equally to women, men and children, whose skin is particularly sensitive and delicate, and therefore much more exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight. It is assumed that children under the age of 3 should not be exposed to direct sunlight at all.

The use of protective filters is not only an important element of anti-wrinkle prevention, but also protection of the skin against sunburn, discoloration and – most importantly – neoplastic changes.

It is worth remembering that the use of protective products cannot be a coincidence. They should be used all year round, also on cloudy days. In summer, however, we reach for creams with higher protection factors, minimum SPF 30+. It is recommended to apply them in the right amount about 30 minutes before leaving the house, and then reapplication every 2-3 hours. Such a cosmetic should always be tailored to the individual needs of the skin.

Is it possible to be more or less resistant to the sun, can such immunity be developed by frequent exposure? Is there a simple translation that the lighter the skin, the greater the need for filters?

The answer to these questions relates to the concept of skin phototype, i.e. a certain skin classification scheme that can be used to aid in determining the skin’s level of sensitivity, its ability and ease of sunbathing, its susceptibility to burns, and possible responses to sunlight. And so generally speaking, people with pale or light skin color do not sunbathe at all or to a negligible degree, their skin burns even at low doses of radiation; on the other hand, people with olive or brown skin tan easily and rarely burn.

While it is widely believed that lighter skin requires enhanced sun protection, we must be aware that simply identifying the color of the skin, hair and eyes is not a sufficient criterion for so-called sun protection. resistance to the sun and should be unconditionally supplemented with additional information from a specific person, e.g. regarding the skin’s reaction to solar radiation. In any case, both sun protection and care should be tailored to our skin, individually tailored to its needs.

It should be remembered that frequent exposure to the sun will not reduce its negative impact on the skin, on the contrary – the greater it is, the greater the exposure to harmful sun rays and the risk of skin cancer development. As a result of long-term exposure to UV radiation, the properties of the skin deteriorate significantly, damage is difficult to reverse, and the aging process is accelerated. On the other hand, the skin that we properly care for and protect from the sun is much healthier and looks younger.

Thus, you cannot “immunize” to the negative effects of sunlight, and in such an important matter as the protection and care of our skin, we should certainly avoid generalizing and duplicating the patterns. The decisive factor is the individual approach to each case. Therefore, I recommend self-observation of the skin, and in case of doubt, seek the advice of a specialist, in particular a dermatologist.

Water promotes greater absorption of sunlight. And does the same happen if we are wearing wet clothes?

In fact, the reflection of sunlight from water can increase exposure to UV radiation, it is also assumed that wet clothes allow more radiation, and besides, they undoubtedly rub a layer of protective preparation from our skin.

Therefore, it should be emphasized that each time after leaving the water, it is obligatory to reapply the protective cream, preferably in a generous amount; this also applies to waterproof preparations.

Do UV filters block the synthesis of vitamin D from the sun?

There is a theory that a sunscreen product can block the synthesis of vitamin D, which is essential for the proper functioning of our body. However, it should be remembered that even the highest filter does not block the sun’s rays in 100%, and moreover, we usually apply photoprotective preparations incorrectly – in too small amounts, inconsistently and inaccurately. In addition, the applied protective creams rub off when in contact with clothing, water or sand. Therefore, the radiation still reaches our skin.

On the other hand, we have to take into account the fact that with the present, sedentary lifestyle and in our latitude, we may also be deficient in vitamin D in the summer. It is worth checking it and, if necessary, implementing supplementation, preferably after consulting a specialist.

One of the products that will allow you to replenish vitamin D deficiencies is a dietary supplement with vitamin D in drops. You can order the preparation, go to the Medonet Market platform.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Kamila Wykrota, the resilience trainer, will tell us about what resilience is. How does the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and react to adversities affect our quality of life? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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