What do you know about your brain? Check and test how efficiently you think [QUIZ]

The brain is the most complicated part of our body. It is responsible for our intelligence, senses, emotions, how we move and how we behave. No wonder it still hides many secrets from us. But we already know a lot about it. What do you know? What is your perceptiveness? Test yourself with our brain quiz. It will not be easy, but it will be interesting for sure.

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1. A very simple question to warm up. The nerve cell is:

neuron Next question
A neuron is one of the two types of cells that make up nerve tissue. It is adapted to receive, process and send electrical pulses.

2. Now it can be harder. How much does your brain weigh (we assume you are an adult)?

approx. 0,5 kg
approx. 1,5 kg
approx. 3 kg
approx. 1,5 kg Next question
A newborn’s brain weighs less than half a kilogram, when the child is in school age, the brain weighs about one kilogram, in an adult it is about 1,5 kg.

3. What is the tree of life?

it is a white matter covered with gray matter in the cerebellum
it is a white matter covered with a gray matter in the forebrain
it is the gray matter covered with the white matter in the medulla
it is a white matter covered with gray matter in the cerebellum Next question
The name “tree of life” (Latin Arbor vitae) was given due to the branched, tree-like appearance of white matter in cross section
Photo: Shutterstock

4. Where is the worm in the brain?

in the frontal lobe
in the midbrain
in the cerebellum
in the cerebellum Next question
The worm separates the two hemispheres of the cerebellum (the cerebellum is part of the hindbrain).

5. What is the responsibility of the so-called reptilian brain (dark blue area)?

Photo: Shutterstock
for emotions
for instincts
for breathing and heart work
for breathing and heart work Next question
The reptilian brain is evolutionarily the oldest part of our brain. It is responsible for basic life functions (breathing and heart rate), but also instincts, including reflex reactions related to avoiding danger.

6. The largest part of the brain is:

borderbrain Next question
The greatest part of the brain is the frontal brain. This area oversees most of the physical and mental activities. So it can be said that it is the brain’s decision-making center.

7. What percentage of the body’s energy is consumed by the brain?

20% Next question
The weight of the brain is about 3 percent. of the total body mass, and yet this organ uses 20 percent. all the energy of the body.

8. Which part of your brain moves the left side of your body?

right temporal lobe
left temporal lobe
left occipital lobe
right frontal lobe
right frontal lobe Next question
The motor center is located in the frontal lobes of the brain (we distinguish two – right and left). Due to the fact that the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere and the right side by the left, it can be said that the right frontal lobe is responsible for the movement of the left side of the body.
Photo: Shutterstock

9. What’s not part of the brain?

Sylwiusz’s waterworks
pineal gland
big hole
big hole Next question
the great foramen magnum is the largest opening in the base of the skull. It connects the cranial cavity with the spinal canal.

10. What is responsible for the part of the brain (occipital lobe) shown in the picture?

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for speech
for your eyesight
for hearing
for sensory experience
for your eyesight Next question
The occipital lobes are the center of vision (they process information received by the eyes). Their damage can lead to visual disturbances, even though the eyes are working properly.

11. What happens when the frontal lobe of the brain is damaged? Indicate possible symptoms:

mood changes
persistent return to one thought
difficulty understanding pranks
difficulty concentrating on one task
all answers are correct
all answers are correct Next question
The frontal lobes are related, inter alia, with planning, thinking, evaluating a situation or emotions.

12. Now a question for thinking. What will be the next number? 3, 9, 27, 81 …

243 Next question
Each subsequent digit / number is multiplied by three

13. Now it will be a little more difficult. Which numbers will be next in the series: 6, 5, 12, 7, 18, 9 …

20, 8
4, 16
24, 11
24, 11 Next question
Each even number in sequence is increased by 6, and odd – by 2.

14. The missing part of the octagon is the one marked as:

Photo: Shutterstock
C Next question
Fragment A lacks the outer green part of the octagon, and the central purple part in B.

15. Finally, a little test on your memory (don’t peek!). The first question of the quiz was about:

lobes of the brain
brain weight
nerve cell
nerve cell Next question
We asked what we call nerve cells.
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