Progress does not stand still: new generation birth control pills help not only plan pregnancy, but also prepare the female body for the birth of a healthy baby in the future.
When it comes to birth control pills, the requirements of women today are not limited to effective prevention of pregnancy. The latest generation drugs that appeared in our country this year can not only normalize hormonal levels, improve well-being and appearance, but also prepare the female body for the birth of a healthy child. The fact is that one such tablet contains the recommended daily allowance of easily digestible folic acid, which is involved in many important body processes – for example, in the production of hemoglobin and the functioning of the nervous system. The elasticity of the hair and the elasticity of the skin depend on this substance. And besides, studies show that regular intake of folic acid at least six months before conception significantly reduces the risk of congenital malformations in the unborn child*. Of course, only a doctor should choose and prescribe an oral contraceptive.
* For more information, see the website of the Non-Governmental Commission on Health Protection (USA)