What do we know about anaphylactic shock?

Almost half of the participants of the online survey conducted by MedTvoiLokony declared that they suffer from allergies, while as many as 70% she didn’t know what the accompanying life-threatening anaphylactic shock was. What’s worse, two-thirds of Internet users would not be able to provide first aid in the event of its occurrence.

MedTvoiLokony decided to test the knowledge of Internet users about allergies and anaphylactic shock. The results are not optimistic. Meanwhile, allergy is becoming a real epidemic of the XNUMXst century, and anaphylactic shock, although it does not happen often, is a condition of immediate life-threatening.

Allergy epidemic

Almost half of the participants in the survey conducted by MedTvoiLokony – both women and men – declared that they suffer from allergies, and almost 40% has a person struggling with this disease among his relatives. And no wonder, because the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology predicts that in less than 15 years, more than half of the European population will be affected by some type of allergy. A significant proportion of Internet users suffering from this condition live in larger cities. – This mechanism explains the so-called the hygienic theory of allergies – explains prof. Marek Kulus, an allergist from the Medical University of Warsaw. It says that a more civilized lifestyle leads to the fact that the immune system begins to overreact to various, even neutral environmental factors. The hypothesis is also confirmed by Polish epidemiological studies, which show that children living in the countryside, where there are much more allergens than in cities, suffer twice less from allergies than their peers from urban agglomerations. – A child who plays by digging in the ground, in addition near places where farm animals live, is much less likely to suffer from allergies or asthma – adds the allergist and pulmonologist Prof. Piotr Kuna from the Medical University of Łódź.

Ubiquitous allergens

Most Internet users, as much as 35%, complain of hay fever and allergic conjunctivitis caused most often by allergy to pollen. Since most of them are city dwellers, allergists suspect that the expansion of this disease is due to changes in the structure of plant pollen due to pollution by exhaust fumes. They are smaller and clothed with exhaust particles, they also have damaged cell membranes. Therefore, city dwellers are more often allergic to grass pollen than rural residents, although there is certainly more grass in rural areas. The surveyed Internet users also complained about atopic dermatitis, food allergies and allergic asthma. Among the most frequently mentioned allergens are drugs, insect venom, dust mites, pollen, animal hair and metals. Women suffering from allergies have the most problems with the selection of cosmetics, while the disease makes their work difficult for men. Every fifth allergy sufferer has a problem with sleep, every tenth complains that the disease prevents him from playing sports, limits social contacts and does not allow him to eat outside the home. Up to 7 percent allergy is life-threatening.

Dangerous ignorance

Allergy is associated with the risk of anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening acute and sudden reaction to an allergen. Unfortunately, only 33 percent. respondents knew what anaphylactic shock was, which means that only a third of Internet users would be able to react properly in such a situation. The knowledge on this subject was slightly better among the ladies. Although extremely severe anaphylactic reactions are rare, when they do occur, there is not a minute to waste as they pose a lethal risk. Hymenoptera venom, medical procedures, food allergies and medications were reported as the most common cause of shock. However, according to medical statistics, it is most often followed by drugs, especially antibiotics. An anaphylactic reaction is also possible during desensitization of allergy sufferers. Subsequently, potentially fatal reactions are caused by foods, primarily cow’s milk protein, chicken protein, as well as seafood, fish and peanuts. Another group is insect venom, especially wasp. The risk of anaphylaxis also occurs in people who are allergic to latex. Such a reaction can also be triggered by exercise, alcohol or the sperm of a sexual partner. Most Internet users reported narrowing of the airways as the main symptom of shock, slightly less pressure drop, face swelling, skin changes, convulsions, burning and itching of the tongue of hands and feet. Remember: the symptoms of shock appear suddenly and dramatically worsen within minutes, less often hours. The most common are skin symptoms such as redness, itching or swelling as well as shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing attacks resulting from bronchospasm and laryngeal edema. Less frequently – because in about half of the cases of anaphylactic reactions – a drop in blood pressure occurs, which may be manifested by a feeling of sudden weakness, dizziness, faster heartbeat, and in extreme cases – loss of consciousness. Additionally, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cramping abdominal pain may occur during shock.

Adrenaline to the rescue

Every tenth respondent had anaphylactic shock, and 16 percent. was his witness. Epidemiological data say that in Poland several thousand people experience such a life-threatening reaction every year. In about 2-3% of cases it ends in death. The scary thing is that only a third of Internet users would know how to help a person with anaphylactic shock. Knowledge about the subject was more often possessed by women – 31 percent, less often by men – 23 percent. It is comforting that as much as 70 percent. of the respondents would like to take part in training on the procedure of providing first aid in such a situation. 80 percent of those polled who would decide to help the sick, would call the ambulance service, 46 percent. would give an anti-shock preparation for self-use, and 42 percent. antiallergic drugs. Remember: when an anaphylactic reaction is suspected, adrenaline must be administered immediately. If you have experienced this type of reaction in the past, you should always have the pre-filled syringe or auto-injector with this medicine ready with you. For people who experience the reaction for the first time, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before he arrives, we should, if possible, remove the allergen, e.g. very carefully remove the insect’s sting and place the patient in a position with raised legs, or in the event of vomiting – on the side, head down to avoid choking. Very important: antiallergic drugs are not able to stop the progressive symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and replace the administration of adrenaline.

If you want to learn more about the principles of first aid in anaphylactic shock, read this short guide:


Tekst: Halina of Pilon

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