What do the rectangles on the tubes of toothpaste and creams mean?

And in general on any tubes: with creams, scrubs, peels.

The network is full of messages from the category: “Take note the next time you buy toothpaste!” If you follow the link, then you will be told a terrible secret what the colored marks on the seams of the tubes with toothpaste, creams and other cosmetics mean. According to Internet investigators, the colors of the stripes on the tubes indicate their composition. For example, a green square means the tube contains no chemicals; red and blue – the contents of the tube are 70 percent chemistry, and black – your toothpaste or cream is made entirely of synthetic substances. We decided to ask a specialist if this is really so.

“Most of the products are made from both natural and synthetic raw materials. There is no getting away from this, – says chemist-technologist Anna Boyko… – Chemical impurities are needed so that natural substances do not quickly deteriorate. If the manufacturer wants to add something, he will add. And it will not trumpet the whole district about it, leaving marks. “

Active Internet users, it turns out, took this issue seriously about three years ago. Since then, no, no, and a new wave of “investigations” will begin. But experts say: you don’t have to blow on milk and be afraid of harmless marks.

“These are photo tags that do not convey information about the composition of the product. They are needed in the production of a tube from a purely technical point of view, ”explains the technologist.

Everything is arranged like this: first, they create a package design. Then they introduce it into production. At the initial stage, tubes look like a long continuous tape on which a drawing, inscriptions, a logo, and the necessary information about the product are printed. The machine should cut this tape into equal parts without disturbing the design. This is where the label comes in handy.

“It is needed so that the machine cuts the tape accurately and the layout of the future tube is not disturbed anywhere,” says our expert.

Many machines mainly use only four colors (blue-green, magenta, yellow, black), which we see on the packaging. The labels must be contrasting so that the machine can read it. After the tape is cut, its fragments are glued into tubes, filled with cream, paste or something else, and then the package is sealed. It is on this seam that the mark remains – exactly at the place of the cut. And no mysticism.

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