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The kidney is part of the organs of the genitourinary system. It performs many functions in the human body: regulatory, excretory and endocrine. In the body of a healthy person, there are two kidneys that resemble beans. The kidneys are seated in the retroperitoneal space. Kidney pain can be very annoying, so it is worth getting acquainted with methods of treating kidney diseases.

There are two kidneys and they lie on parallel sides. In humans, the kidneys are located behind the stomach, under the liver. The left kidney of a person is placed slightly higher than the right. The fibrous and fatty capsule as well as the renal fascia surround the kidneys.

The kidneys are very well supplied with blood, therefore their color is reddish-brown. The nephron is the main structure of the kidney. Blood is supplied to the kidneys through the renal arteries. Every day, the kidneys cleanse approximately 1500 liters of blood.

The main functions of the kidneys

A healthy person has two kidneys. There are people who have one kidney, this condition significantly affects their health and daily functioning.

The kidneys perform many functions in the human body, which include:

  1. excretion of harmful metabolic products from the body with urine;
  2. taking care of the proper condition of body fluids;
  3. filtering and retaining ingredients useful for the body for everyday functioning.

To take care of your kidneys, reach for Kidneys – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which consists of: warty birch leaf, bearberry leaf, common nettle leaf, dandelion leaf.

The kidneys are very important for the skeletal system and the proper acid-base balance of the blood. The kidneys also have a great influence on the normal blood pressure. So if the structure of the kidneys is damaged and the organs do not filter the blood properly, harmful substances will accumulate in the body. Thus, the body is exposed to troublesome and painful diseases. It can be quickly concluded that the functioning of the kidneys is crucial in the proper functioning of the human body.

Nefrolfix – a herbal tea that you can buy at Medonet Market at a favorable price, supports the proper functioning of the kidneys. See what other preparations have a positive effect on the kidneys.

Kidneys – kidney pain

Kidney pain can come on suddenly or it can stay with a person for a long time. Pain may be severe and it may also get worse over time. People most often indicate a cluster of kidney pain in the lumbar region. If there are aspects associated with kidney disease during such pain, see your doctor immediately for diagnosis.

Other symptoms of kidney pain include:

  1. rare urination;
  2. change in color of urine;
  3. higher body temperature;
  4. pain accompanying urination;
  5. Headache;
  6. feeling tired and irritable.

Perform diagnostic tests to check that your kidneys are working properly. The Kidney Disease Diagnostics – blood and urine tests package is available on Medonet Market.

Pain and other ailments may accompany serious diseases and ailments of the kidneys, among which there are several major ones.

  1. Kidney cysts – These look like liquid-filled blisters. As a rule, they are detected by chance, as they do not cause major discomfort. If the cyst is really large and causing pressure, it may be removed.
  2. Kidney cancer – it is an extremely insidious disease because it does not give any signs for a long time. Only in the final stage, pain in the lumbar region can be felt and hematuria is evidenced. Then, high fever and weakness of the body persists. Kidney cancer is difficult to heal completely.
  1. Nephrolithiasis – a very painful disease manifested by deposits in the kidneys. Kidney stones (as these deposits are called) can move towards the ureters over time. Expelling them outside the body is a very painful process. If there is too much plaque, sudden and very severe pain in the lumbar region is felt. There is also a very high fever.
  2. Nephritis – there are three main types of nephritis: glomerulonephritis, interstitial and pyelonephritis. The E. coli bacterium most often causes pyelonephritis. You will feel a sharp pressure on the bladder and pain while urinating. The body is very weak, vomiting may occur. The other two types of nephritis attack the glomerular structures. Pain is felt in the lumbar region and there is an increased body temperature.

If you want to support the functioning of the kidneys, try the Tincture Supporting the Correct Function of the Kidneys Klimuszko, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

People who feel pain in the lumbar region most often use emergency painkillers. You are also taking diastolic medications. Preparations with a high content of vitamin C have a supportive effect on the kidneys.

To avoid kidney disease in the future, you should drink plenty of water throughout the day. Of course, if the pains appear for a long time or suddenly, you should see a doctor immediately. Detailed tests will be commissioned to confirm or deny the disease in question.

To support the urinary system and cleanse the body of toxins, at Medonet Market, buy Kidneys – liquid supplement or Cleansing drops with nettle, horsetail and rosehip. Prophylactically and supportively in the treatment of kidneys, you can use the ecological tea Healthy kidneys with juniper and birch or Herbal detox – ecological herbal tea that has a diuretic effect.

Also read:

  1. What are kidney diseases and how do they manifest themselves?
  2. Kidney Disease Symptoms?

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