What do the fine hairs on the chin say about a woman’s health? Instead of plucking, go to the doctor quickly

It’s natural to have thin, inconspicuous hair on your face. This is due to the action of hormones and the genetic determinants of every human being. However, it may happen that the hair becomes thicker, darker and more visible. This is an important signal that no woman should ignore.

  1. The delicate and light hairs on a woman’s chin are nothing to worry about. Thicker and darker ones should be disturbing
  2. The most common explanation is hormonal disorders that can manifest themselves in the form of various diseases
  3. Hair can also be caused by taking certain medications
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Body hair depends on individual genetic conditions and the action of hormones. Delicate hairs located above the mouth, on the chin or neck are a natural phenomenon that should not bother women until they do not cause discomfort or make them feel unwell. If the facial hair is getting thicker, darker and bothersome, it is worth going to the doctor and looking for an answer to the question what is the cause.

Sometimes, facial hair that appears in a woman may be a sign of an endocrine disruption (too much of the male hormone testosterone) or a disease that requires treatment.

Hirsutism — Where does male facial hair come from in women?

Thick, dark and denser hair becomes a sign of hormonal disorders. Even though androgens and testosterone are male sex hormones, their presence in the female body is normal, however, up to a point. When their levels begin to rise rapidly, the fair sex begins to experience unusual symptoms.

The unsightly, confusing facial hair in women is called hirsutism. It is a disease caused by too much of the previously mentioned hormones that contribute to the formation of male facial hair – most often around the mustache, chin and neck. According to some reports, the increased secretion of androgen hormones in the fair sex may be caused by excessively high levels of insulin. This fact contributes to the secretion of much more androgens by the ovaries than necessary.

However, these are not the only reasons for the emergence of this rather embarrassing ailment. What else can cause fine hairs on the chin in women?

  1. In the nineteenth century, the beard made a woman famous. It is currently a curse

The causes of beard hair in women

Another possible cause of facial hair formation in unusual places for women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS for short). Again, the main culprit of the disease is too high a concentration of male hormones. Experts estimate that PCOS affects over 15 percent. women of childbearing age and almost 72 percent. ladies before menopause, or menopause. Additionally, troublesome hairs are also a likely symptom of cysts and tumors that need to be removed as soon as possible.

Less common, albeit potential causes of excessive hair growth in a woman’s face are other diseases, including:

  1. Acromegaly – a hereditary disease caused by too much growth hormone secretion. Its complications may lead to cardiovascular problems, discomfort in the area of ​​the bone and joint, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems;
  2. adrenal hyperplasia – in addition to the unnatural facial hair, adrenal hyperplasia can also manifest itself in a thick male voice and weight gain. Adrenal hyperplasia can be caused by tumors or cysts;
  3. obesity;
  4. Cushing’s syndrome – is caused by too much production of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. The disease is manifested by persistent headaches, high levels of androgens and a tendency to gain weight quickly.

Taking medications and facial hair in women

Hairs on the chin or neck can build up as a side effect of certain medications. Such activities are carried out, among others, by anabolic steroids (also known as banned doping substances, taken e.g. illegally by athletes) and immunosuppressive drugs (weakening the body’s immunity, implemented in the treatment of allergies and autoimmune diseases).

Are you worried about hirsutism? Examine your hormone balance and consult your doctor about the results.

How do I get rid of annoying facial hair?

Treatment of ailments depends on the factor causing it. For example, if the cause of the hairs on the chin, neck or facial hair above the lips is a tumor causing adrenal hyperplasia, you should decide to have it excised. Sometimes the recommended action is to introduce changes in everyday nutrition, aimed at shedding unnecessary kilograms and getting rid of body fat that is harmful to health.

To get rid of male facial hair, we can now choose one of the following options:

  1. laser hair removal;
  2. plucking individual, growing hairs with tweezers;
  3. standard shaving of hair with a razor;
  4. epilation with wax or sugar paste (Aleppo Soap Co. by Tadé depilatory sugar paste is available at a favorable price on Medonet Market).

If you find facial hair extremely troublesome, see a doctor who, after performing the appropriate blood tests and identifying the specific cause, will advise you to take the appropriate steps. It is not uncommon to implement hormone therapy to stabilize androgen levels.

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