What do the brown vaginal discharge testify to?

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What can brown vaginal discharge indicate? Can their appearance be a symptom of infection? Could this be a symptom of serious illness? Should you contact your doctor? Is this a cause for concern? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

What do the brown vaginal discharge show?

Good day. My name is Maria and I am 36 years old. I have never had any major gynecological problems, even during and after pregnancy. Recently, however, I started noticing symptoms that worried me a lot. It is about brown vaginal dischargewhich started showing up sporadically a few months ago. There are no additional symptoms associated with them, so I don’t think it was some sort of infection (which I never got the rest of). The brown discharge usually occurs mid-cycle and sometimes lasts two or three days, sometimes a little longer, then disappears on its own and reappears after a while.

I don’t know what to do with it because I’ve never had vaginal discharge. What do the brown vaginal discharge testify to? Could this be a symptom of an infection even though I don’t feel any pain or itching? Could brown vaginal discharge be a symptom of any other medical conditions? I admit that I delay my visit to the gynecologist a bit, because it is not a particularly acute problem and I thought it would pass by itself. But now that brown vaginal discharge has appeared for so long, I am starting to get a little worried and worried if my health is okay.

The doctor indicates possible causes of brown discharge

A slight spotting or the appearance of a bloody vaginal discharge in the middle of the cycle beyond the time of menstruation can have many causes, one of which is bleeding during ovulation, when an egg is released from our ovary and then travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Bleeding during ovulation is not harmful, nor is it a sign that you are pregnant. About 3% of women experience bleeding during ovulation and it is usually very mild.

It should be remembered that ovulation is associated with very sudden and large changes in hormone levels and occurs 10-12 hours after the peak concentration of luteinizing hormone and 14-24 hours after the appearance of the maximum level of estradiol. It is due to these sudden changes that there is a slight spotting in the area of ​​ovulation. This spotting is usually light pink in color as it mixes the blood with the cervical mucus.

In the book, a woman’s monthly cycle lasts 28 days, it is the time counted between the first day of a given period and the first day of the next menstruation. Monthly bleeding starts the cycle and lasts until the 7th day of the cycle at the latest. Ovulation should occur on the 14th day of the cycle. However, that would be the case in an ideal world, but just as each of us differs externally, we are not identical internally. Symptoms of ovulation are: cervical discharge with the appearance of “egg white”, the cervix is ​​lowered compared to the previous days, and the basal body temperature, measured in the oral cavity or vagina, increases by 0.4-1.0 degrees C in relation to normal test temperature.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. They will be able to get a detailed history of spotting and comorbid symptoms, monthly cycle, previous medical history, medications taken, and chronic diseases. The doctor will also be able to perform a physical examination: in a speculum, two-handed set, and even perform a transvaginal ultrasound, which allows imaging the uterus of the ovaries and identifying possible pathologies.

You should remember about follow-up visits to the gynecologist, regardless of age – women aged 25-59. a Pap smear is available every 3 years, financed by the National Health Fund, but the gynecologist may recommend more frequent check-ups. This is important as cytology enables the treatment of cervical cancer at a very early stage, resulting in its frequent cure.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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