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Why are my lips swollen? What do swollen lips say? Is it a symptom of any disease? Can swollen lips be a symptom of an allergy? What to do in the event of a swollen mouth? Can I minimize swelling with home remedies? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.
Why are my lips swollen?
Hello, my problem is swollen lipsa few days ago. I woke up in the morning and noticed my lips were swollen, but thought it was temporary. Meanwhile, nothing has changed and the lips are still slightly swollen. I did not use any treatments that could be the cause of swollen lips. I haven’t changed any cosmetics recently, so I have no idea why my lips are swollen. What do swollen lips say? Could they be a symptom of any disease?
I started to worry that my swollen lips are the result of some allergy, I don’t think I had such symptoms before, but the day before I was in a new Asian restaurant and I wonder if something could have sensitized me and that’s why my lips are swollen? Or maybe it’s the result of cosmetics that sensitized me over time and hence my swollen lips? Allergy or allergy is the only reason I came up with it, but maybe there are other causes of lip swelling? And above all, how can you deal with this problem? Are there any home remedies for swollen lips? What should I do in this situation?
The doctor explains the causes of swollen lips
The reasons for the appearance of swelling around the mouth there may be many. It may be caused by an allergy, e.g. to a cosmetic (not necessarily new, it may even occur to one that has been used before), to a type of food, to inhaled allergens (chicken and mites, pollen, animal hair). Under the influence of chemical factors contained in food / cosmetics, there is a release of histamine, which is responsible for swelling, itching and symptoms such as wheezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. To confirm an allergy to one of the above-mentioned factors, it is worth asking a doctor who specializes in allergy to decide whether it is worth doing patch skin tests.
You should also consider whether you have been stung by an insect – it may also be the body’s reaction to an allergy to Hymenoptera venom. Please note that if to image of a swollen lip will join within seconds or minutes of exposure to the allergen symptoms such as low blood pressure, shortness of breath, wheezing, narrowing of the airways, swollen tongue, fainting, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and headache – please report to the nearest Hospital Emergency Department or call the Medical Rescue Team.
Another possible cause of lip swelling is angioedema – it can also be allergic (to drugs, e.g. penicillins, sulfonamides and foods, e.g. nuts, seafood), as well as non-allergic, as a reaction to taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, radiological contrast agents or as idiopathic eosinophilia / eosinophilic syndrome. Angioedema can also be caused by physical factors and coexist with vibratory, cold, cholinergic or solar urticaria.
However, it is the tip of the iceberg of diseases that can occur with swelling of the mouth, and in the literature you can also find much rarer causes such as Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome or cheilitis glandularis. However, if the symptoms of lip swelling persist, it is an indication for further diagnosis – you should visit your family doctor, who will be able to collect a detailed history, perform a physical examination, order tests and refer to a specialist if he believes that the patient requires it.
In lip care it is very important to cleanse them thoroughly. This is often neglected, but it is necessary for the skin of the lips to rest and be ready for beauty treatments. Order today RITUAL CARE mouth and eye makeup remover – two-phase Sensilis available at a promotional price on Medonet Market. For everyday care, use the Panthenol SPF15 lipstick.
– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka
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