What do seedlings of large-fruited hawthorn look like?

What do seedlings of large-fruited hawthorn look like?

The large-fruited hawthorn is a deciduous, tall, thorny shrub of the rose family. Its fruits are medicinal and the beautiful shrub is often used as a hedge. By learning how to choose and grow good hawthorn seedlings, you can decorate your garden with this plant.

What does a hawthorn seedling look like?

When choosing a seedling, pay attention to its roots: they should be pronounced and have about five branches. A good sprout has a straight stem, without bends or external defects.

Hawthorn seedlings are a real decoration of the garden.

For planting, choose a plant that has not yet blossomed leaves, but the buds should already be slightly swollen. A healthy seedling usually reaches a height of 100-120 cm. Before planting, cut off damaged branches and also trim the top.

Planting seedlings of large-fruited hawthorn

For planting hawthorns, a well-lit area with good soil and drainage is best suited. The fertile mixture in which the seedlings will grow should consist of humus, sand, peat and crushed foliage. Drainage from a 15 cm layer of crushed stone, gravel, broken brick must be laid at the bottom of the pit. Its depth should be at least 70 cm, since a long root system is characteristic of the hawthorn.

Seedlings of large-fruited hawthorn, which have reached 2-4 years, are transplanted to a permanent place in spring or autumn.

The distance between the seedlings should be at least 2 m. After planting, the bush is watered. The soil in the near-trunk circle is mulched with peat or dry soil.

With proper care and watering, a rooted hawthorn will begin to produce a good harvest at the age of 6-10. The fruits of the large-fruited hawthorn are large in size – up to 3 cm in diameter, round in shape and have an excellent taste. Depending on the variety, they can be red, yellow-orange, bright orange and almost black. Many healthy dishes can be prepared from them.

Hawthorn seedlings are unpretentious and do not require special attention. In the spring, you need to prune it, and also remove dry branches. With the help of a haircut, the hawthorn bush takes on the most unusual shape.

In the spring, before flowering, the soil in which the hawthorn grows must be fertilized with slurry.

Seedlings of this plant do not need frequent watering, it is enough to do this once a month. At the same time, about 15 liters of water are consumed for each shrub. During dry periods, the hawthorn can be watered several times a month. It’s also a good idea to weed and loosen the soil to maintain moisture. In spring and autumn, the earth is dug to the depth of a shovel bayonet, and in summer – no more than 15 cm.

Plant this unusual shrub on your site and it will decorate it with white flowers during flowering. In the autumn months, the hawthorn is unusually good: the color of its leaves glows from burgundy to crimson-red, orange.

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