What do people with immunodeficiency need to remember in the context of COVID-19?
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Immunocompromised people are at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19. How to behave in the face of the coronavirus? The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has prepared the most important information for people with immunodeficiency, as well as their families and carers.

Coronavirus and methods of infection – the basics

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a pathogen in the coronavirus family that causes the COVID-19 disease. The infection is transmitted by droplets, i.e. mainly through contact with secretions from the respiratory tract that go beyond the patient’s body when coughing or sneezing. The risk of infection also appears when we touch the surface of the secretion containing coronaviruses, and then transfer it to the body through the mouth or nose.

COVID-19 is a mild disease for many people, but in some cases the symptoms can be severe and lead to dangerous complications. The main symptoms of the disease include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue and muscle pain.

The risk of coronavirus infection and reduced immunity – rules of conduct

Immunocompromised individuals should follow general recommendations related to Coronavirus prophylaxis. In their case, it is also advisable to follow additional rules of conduct. ECDC recommends:

  1. Obtaining information on the Coronavirus and COVID-19 from trusted sources.
  2. Compliance with general hygiene rules.
  3. Prepare a supply of consumed prescription drugs. You can also order them with home delivery.
  4. If an immunocompromised person is undergoing treatment for a condition other than COVID-19, he or she should follow the related preventive measures recommended by a physician.
  5. In case of infection, get the right amount of over-the-counter medications and other hygiene measures. This will reduce the need to leave your home when symptoms such as a fever appear. Handkerchiefs or a thermometer will also be useful.
  6. Remembering to be active (adjusted to your general health) and staying in good shape.
  7. Gradually stocking up on food and cleaning supplies for two to four weeks without panicking about shopping.
  8. Take preventive steps in the event of a coronavirus infection. It is recommended to contact family, friends or neighbors and, if necessary, a health community worker. With these people, you can plan an appropriate action plan that can be implemented when the threat of COVID-19 will appear in close surroundings or the immunocompromised person becomes infected.
  9. Compliance with the recommendations of state authorities regarding the current epidemiological situation.

Low immunity and suspected coronavirus – what to do?

If you have lowered immunity and you notice symptoms such as cough, fever or breathing problems, first of all stay home. Contact your clinic and present your situation, paying attention to the underlying immunity and its causes. In case of doubt, reliable information related to COVID-19 and the management of suspected infection can be obtained from the National Health Fund hotline: 800 190 590.

Protect yourself and others from the coronavirus

In order to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection and spreading it to people in your environment, you should follow several rules related to proper hygiene and conduct in case of contact with other people. One of the basic recommendations is frequent hand washing with warm water and soap, and in unfavorable circumstances (e.g. shopping) the use of disinfecting liquids. Washing your hands is especially important:

  1. before eating;
  2. after using the toilet;
  3. after coughing or sneezing, as well as after making a nasal toilet;
  4. after going to a public place;
  5. when we touch any surface in a public place;
  6. after touching another person.

In order to reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19 avoid contact with sick people (especially if they are coughing), do not touch the face, especially the nose and mouth, and avoid social gatherings and events in areas with confirmed presence of coronavirus.


If you have a cough and there have been cases of COVID-19 in your area, use disposable face masks. This way you can prevent the spread of pathogens to other people.

Increased vigilance should be exercised if there are cases of COVID-19 in the vicinity of our residence. In such a situation it is necessary:

  1. avoiding crowds and clusters of people, especially if they occur in closed rooms and with insufficient ventilation;
  2. shopping only when traffic is not heavy;
  3. no travel by public transport during rush hour;
  4. physical activity outdoors, not indoors.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Find out more:

  1. How to strengthen the immunity of the elderly to reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus?
  2. Seniors and the coronavirus. Three questions for the geriatrician
  3. How long does it take to recover from coronavirus infection?

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