Dreams are stories that the brain tells us, a set of images, “movies”, sensations and memories that involuntarily arise during the so-called REM sleep phase, experts give this definition to this phenomenon. We all know that dreams are not always pleasant. Nightmares are dreamed of by many and are often repeated again and again. Fortunately, such dreams are not dangerous. Some scientists even believe that they convey certain messages to us.
“A nightmare is connected to some unpleasant situation in your life and is trying to help you resolve it,” says dream analyst Laurie Levenberg. “If it’s reoccurring, it’s most likely because the problem remains unresolved, perhaps because of certain ingrained patterns of behavior.”
Most dreams are not meant to be taken literally, but certain themes and symbols can help decipher the message that the nightmare conveys to us. “For example, if you are constantly in relationships with toxic people, you may regularly have dreams about snakes. Or if you are used to avoiding conflict and putting off solving difficult problems, you may have nightmares in which someone is chasing you, ”explains the psychologist.
A common cause of nightmares is psychological trauma. Such nightmares are usually not symbolic, but quite literal.
“Negative self-images: “I have nothing to love”, “I am worthless”, “I am not good enough (a)” – can manifest themselves in dreams. And the more we hold on to these ideas, the more terrible the dreams become, ”says psychotherapist Anthony Freire.
“Another common cause of nightmares (especially recurring ones) is psychological trauma. Such dreams are usually not symbolic, but quite literal – they reflect the events that caused the injury. They usually occur with post-traumatic stress disorder,” Levenberg explains.
Also, regular nightmares can be caused by health problems or side effects of medications.
What to do to stop the nightmares
It is quite possible to get rid of even the most difficult and obsessive dreams, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to find the causes of their occurrence. “After working through the root causes, nightmares are likely to disappear,” says Anthony Freire.
To get rid of unpleasant dreams, you can try a few more ways.
1. Keep a diary
“Start to keep a diary, describing in it both nightmares and events during the day. This will help to understand what provokes these dreams, and resolve internal contradictions, ”recommends psychologist Tracey Vadakumcheri.
2. Rewrite the dream script
Another effective method is to write a dream script with different content. Laurie Levenberg advises writing a different ending for your dreams. This method is especially suitable for those who suffer from nightmares due to trauma.
“You need to describe in detail all the details of a nightmare that you can remember. Then, when you reach the end or the most terrible moment, change it and write your own version, ”recommends the psychologist.
3. Avoid glowing screens before bed
“If you watch TV before going to bed, the most vivid scenes you have seen can also be added to a dream associated with unresolved emotional problems,” explains Anthony Freire. He advises putting all your devices away an hour before bed to allow your brain to calm down a bit.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you can’t cope with chronic nightmares on your own, it may be worth contacting a psychologist.
“If you have these dreams more than twice a week, or if they cause you a lot of anxiety and interfere with your normal life (for example, you start to fall asleep at work, or avoid sleep, or you have problems in personal and professional relationships), it’s time to consult a specialist.” , says Nicole Ward, a family therapist who treats psychological trauma.
Chronic lack of sleep due to nightmares can also lead to a whole range of problems: fatigue, memory loss, anxiety, arrhythmia, so it is important not to delay the solution of the problem.