What do lymphocytes below normal mean?

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What are lymphocytes? What does a low level of lymphocytes mean? Is a low score related to poor immunity? What additional tests should be performed? Should such a result be consulted? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

What are subnormal lymphocytes evidencing?

Good day. I have recently had health problems. I am a young woman, I was rarely ill before. Even as a child, I had colds, of course, but in my teenage and adult years I was really sick very rarely. However, for about a year I started catching infections frequently. It wasn’t anything serious, but it was a runny nose, and that was a cough, and that was a sore throat. Usually even without a doctor – I took some medications and it helped.

I was starting to worry, however, that suddenly a specimen of health like me started catching infections so often. I decided to do the tests and I was concerned that my lymphocytes are below normal. So I would like to ask what they mean lymphocytes below normal? I know that lymphocytes are responsible for the issue of immunity, so maybe my more frequent complaints are related to these results? If so, what should I do now?

Will I need any additional tests or maybe a doctor’s appointment? And what does that mean – is it some kind of disease? Please reply.

Your doctor will identify possible causes of low MCHC values

In human blood there are, among others white blood cells called leukocytes. Five cell subpopulations belong to the group of leukocytes. These are neutrophils (neutrophils), eosinophils, basophils (basophils), lymphocytes and monocytes. Changes in numbers total leukocyte count should be considered together with the number of their subpopulations. One result cannot be analyzed in isolation from the rest. Leukocytes belong to the cells of the immune system.

The reduction in the number of lymphocytes is called lymphopenia. The normal number of these cells in the peripheral blood is 1000–5000 / μl. Many medical conditions can lead to lymphopenia. Low lymphocyte value we observe in systemic connective tissue diseases, viral infections, sepsis, liver failure, Cuching’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, after steroid treatment, after oncological treatment, and also in the case of cancer. As you can see, the list of diseases is extensive, therefore the symptoms presented by the patient play a key role.

Recurring infections, recurring need for antibiotic therapy should be diagnosed. The decline in immunity may be due to chronic stress. The immune system works with the nervous and endocrine systems. Stress hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine alter the total number of immune cells and their function. People who experience stress chronically are more likely to develop infections.

The analysis of the test results should be considered based on the clinical picture presented by the patient. Please visit your GP and tell them about your symptoms and concerns about the deterioration of your health. It will be important for your doctor to know whether your family has a history of any diseases related to the immune system. Suspected immune disorders require more extensive diagnostics. After examining you, the doctor will decide on the need for further tests or referral to a specialist.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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