What do I eat to fight against pump strokes?

On the advice of Anne-Marie Costille, nutritionist and naturopath in Lyon: “At this time of year, the leaves fall, the light decreases and freshness sets in, causing fatigue for body and soul. Part of it is because we are connected to nature. “To support these changes, the specialist recommends putting your plate in tune with the season. “Vegetables and fruits on the shelves provide all the vitamins and minerals the body needs for energy,” she continues. As long as you take your time to eat two, three or four meals a day and avoid any snacking. “Periods of intermittent fasting (between meals) are helpful in letting the body recover. Because eating too often tires the body, ”adds AM. Costille. A stroke of fatigue = a bar of chocolate? “Faced with this rapid arrival of sugar, the pancreas mobilizes insulin too quickly, which generates hypoglycemia, which manifests itself by a generalized slack”, explains the nutritionist. So, in case of fatigue, sweet products should not be systematic.

Strengthen immunity

After making a few deviations in the summer, our gut microbiota is weakened. “To avoid drops in tone and prevent winter infections, we must strengthen it,” adds the nutritionist. “The whole family can swallow 1 tsp. of pumpkin seed oil for breakfast. This natural dewormer strengthens the intestine. “

Here are the best anti-fatigue foods to put on the menu:


The peanut, or peanut, consumed nature has strengths. She permits to fight against overwork and asthenia. Almonds, on the other hand, are rich in magnesium and are remineralizing. We chew them well to absorb all of their nutrients.

Le chou

Powerful stimulant of the intestinal flora, cabbage has it all! Especially if it is consumed “lacto-fermented” (stored under the action of salt and protected from air). Full of vitamins and minerals (phosphorus, calcium), it is hyper revitalizing. It is the champion all categories anti-pump strokes. It is also savored stuffed, braised or in a pot.

Lamb’s lettuce

Refreshing and tasty, lamb’s lettuce is easy to eat and children love it! That’s good because it has positive effects on our vitality. It contains chlorophyll, which cleanses, invigorates and rejuvenates the body, but also vitamin C and omega 3, useful for preventing respiratory infections. 

The mandarin

Mandarin is rich in vitamin C! It can be slipped into a pocket, it is the tonic ally of autumn-winter. Like orange, it is rich in minerals and has a sedative effect on the nervous system. The cool idea: to put in your salads with pumpkin seeds, avocado and button mushrooms.

The carrot

This root vegetable, rich in vitamins C, B, K, increases the number of red blood cells – which helps fight fatigue and anemia. Did you know ? The carrot helps prevent the onset of cavities in toddlers. It also acts as a “shield” against intestinal parasites and strengthens natural immunity.


Blond, coral or green, lentils are a complete food. How? ‘Or’ What ? Thanks to their levels of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Their precious fibers “sequester” the slow sugars and diffuse them slowly in the blood throughout.

throughout the day.

The banana

According to its degree of ripeness, the banana is richer in starch or in rapid sugar. Preferably don’t eat it too ripe. It is at this stage that its nutrients are most interesting. Rich in minerals, bananas act on the nervous balance and the bone system. It is beneficial, for example, in cases of stress or overwork.

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