What do I eat to boost my concentration?

When you were pregnant, you had noticed a tendency to lose your ability to concentrate a little (if not a lot). Rest assured, this happens to the majority of pregnant women. The Anglos-Saxons even speak of “pregnancy brain”, literally “pregnancy brain”. This reflects the capacity of our brain to adapt to the hormonal tsunami. In short, once your baby is in your arms, you thought you were saying goodbye to these troubles. But they are still there. It is not inevitable! To stay focused for more than 5 minutes, some good reflexes are needed. 

Sleep and sport!

To gain focus, you need to be rested. This ideally goes through a good nights sleep. Because when you sleep, nerve cells repair and regenerate. But with a baby we know, it is not easy! You can still recharge your batteries by taking naps during the day. Or simply by lying down, even for a few minutes, in a quiet room, several times a day. “To gain concentration, oxygenate your brain,” says Dr Laurence Benedetti, micronutritionist *. How? ‘Or’ What ? Play sports, get some fresh air… ”Even if you are tired, force yourself to go for walks. It will do you and your baby good. Finally, a balanced diet will help boost your brain capacity. To promote better concentration, choose certain foods that will do your neurons good. 


Whole grains

Thanks to their low glycemic index (GI), whole grains cause a gradual release of glucose into the blood. Ideal to avoid pump strokes. Result: the brain is full of energy throughout the day and you stay focused and attentive! On the plate, opt for pasta, rice, bread… in a “complete” version. In addition, these foods stall well, so goodbye to cravings and snacking cravings! 


Fatty fish

Sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring… contain DHA, an omega 3 which brain cells are particularly fond of in order to function properly and transmit information. Consume once or twice a week, varying the fishing grounds to limit heavy metal residues.

Broccoli, spinach …

Green leafy vegetables are loaded with vitamins B9, which makes them valuable allies in making the hormones that regulate our mood: serotonin and dopamine in the lead. What has to do with concentration? Having good morale is essential for better concentration. 


Red fruits

Blackberries, raspberries, currants… Ok, this is not the season, but you can opt for frozen berries, they have the same nutritional benefits: namely, a high content of antioxidants. However, the brain, which consumes a lot of energy to function, produces in return a lot of free radicals. Present in too large a quantity, these can reduce our capacities of concentration, memory, learning… To put on the menu several times a week, all year round!



Bananas are rich in magnesium, a trace element that plays an important role in regulating mood and therefore allows better concentration. Another advantage: it holds the small hollow well. 

Vegetal oils

Flaxseed, rapeseed, walnuts, olives… Each oil provides essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 9), useful for ensuring a fluid connection between neurons, and therefore optimum functioning of our brain. Good gestures: consume 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oils per day. And vary the seasonings to enjoy the benefits of each. The opportunity also to test new flavors. 



Green, coral, black … lentils are super interesting because they are rich in iron. A trace element that prevents physical and mental fatigue. To consume in salads, gratins, soup … 



Rich in vitamin C, oranges, clementines & co give a boost to neurons because they promote the production of dopamine, a hormone that has stimulating effects. 



A spice to enjoy in herbal tea or in dishes and which is known to be a good intellectual stimulant. Ideal to stay alert. 

Ingrid’s testimony

“To be in good shape and more attentive during the day, I eat a kiwi in the morning, I fill up on vitamins! In the evening, to digest well and sleep better, I drink fennel herbal teas. ” 

Ingrid, mother of Lohan, 4 and a half years old, and Maylo, 17 months old.


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In video: What do I eat to boost my concentration?

* More info on www.iedm.asso.fr

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