What do beautiful people eat?

Cucumber face masks and yolk-based hair balm are the last century. Today, experts advise adding healthy foods to the diet, and not to homemade products. We present a list of products that will help maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

“If you notice that your nails are exfoliating and breaking, your skin has become dry, and your hair is dull, do not rush to the cosmetic store for new care products,” says Véronique Lebar, a doctor, cosmetology and nutrition consultant.

Try changing the daily menu first. Perhaps the body is simply signaling a lack of vitamins and minerals. What should be included in the beauty diet?

Avocado and fish for youthful skin

Most skin problems arise due to external factors that disrupt the normal functioning of its cells. Protects the skin with a hydrolipidic barrier. It also retains moisture in the cells of the epidermis, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

The state of the hydrolipidic barrier directly depends on the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Their deficiency leads to dryness and hypersensitivity of the skin, as well as to allergies, acne and skin infections – it is easier for microbes and allergens to enter the skin through a damaged barrier.

What to add to the menu?

To maintain healthy skin, you need to regularly eat fatty fish (salmon, trout, sardines, herring), avocados, nuts, olives, vegetable oil (at least 3 tablespoons per day).

Butter and citruses for hair and nails

Keratin is the basis of skin, hair and nails. It is the building material for all epithelial tissues. When we look at the skin, hair or nails, we see the upper stratum corneum, i.e. keratin scales.

If they are updated in time and lie evenly, the surface of the skin is smooth, hair and nails reflect light, which means they look shiny. For the synthesis of keratin, the body needs vitamins A, C and E.

What to add to the menu?

Vitamin A (retinol) is found in fish oil and liver, butter, egg yolks, whole milk and cream.

The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and exotic fruits (papaya, guava, Barbados cherry), broccoli, red bell pepper, black currant.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts and seeds.

Steak and carrots for a dull complexion

The main enemy of a healthy complexion is a lack of iron in the body, that is, anemia. It leads to general fatigue, pale and faded skin tone, dark circles under the eyes. By the way, tannin and caffeine contained in tea and coffee prevent iron from being absorbed normally. So it is recommended to drink these invigorating drinks a couple of hours after eating.

Another important element for a bright complexion is beta-carotene. It accumulates in the skin and gives it a golden hue, similar to the color of a tan. This phenomenon is called carotenoderma. It is completely harmless and is considered a healthy skin reaction.

What to add to the menu?

To increase the level of hemoglobin, it is recommended to eat more red meat, liver, buckwheat, apples, pomegranates and cocoa.

All orange and yellow vegetables (carrots, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin), as well as spinach, broccoli and spirulina are rich in beta-carotene. It is sold in the form of dietary supplements or a dry powder that can be added to smoothies, for example.

Dairy products for a beautiful smile

The role of calcium and fluoride in the prevention of dental problems cannot be overestimated. These are the two main components for strong tooth enamel. Their lack immediately makes itself felt – the teeth turn yellow, begin to crumble and may even fall out.

What to add to the menu?

In addition to dairy products, a lot of calcium is found in figs, algae, white beans, cabbage, soy milk and mineral water. Fluoride is best absorbed from ordinary drinking water. Other sources are fish, rye and wheat bran, rice and oatmeal.

Seafood against microinflammation

Oily skin, enlarged pores, micro-inflammation and blackheads – these skin problems may indicate an unbalanced diet. Perhaps you are too fond of sweet and fatty foods of industrial production (sausages, smoked meats, and so on).

Try to eat more fresh vegetables and lean on zinc-rich seafood. This trace element regulates the sebaceous glands. Zinc also promotes wound healing and tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation.

What to add to the menu?

Most zinc is found in oysters, a little less – in shrimp, squid, anchovies, as well as mushrooms, bran, beef liver and legumes.

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