What did the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity collect for in the next finals?

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is playing for the 30th time this year. Thanks to public fundraising and auctions, over 66 thousand people have found their way to Polish hospitals. medical equipment, thanks to which the quality of diagnostics of many diseases has improved. What has the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity been collecting for the last three decades? Below we have compiled a list of equipment purchased in the following years. Check what the foundation spent the collected money on.

  1. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has repeatedly collected money for the diagnosis and treatment of children’s diseases, and the money was spent on devices such as defibrillators, incubators and cardiomonitors
  2. During the finals, people were also collected for medical care for seniors, which used, inter alia, ultrasound machines, holsters, spirometers or lifts, bedside rehabilitation devices, wheelchairs, anti-bedsore mattresses and bath chairs
  3. In 2010, an additional action was carried out to help in the fight against the flood and its consequences – over PLN 2,6 million was collected at that time, which was allocated, inter alia, to for the purchase of motor pumps and power generators
  4. Another “special action” was support in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
  5. This year, the goal of the GOCC collection is to support children’s ophthalmology
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

1st WOŚP final (January 3, 1993)

The subject of the first finale was heart disease of the youngest patients. 3 million 773 thousand were collected. 443 PLN 38 gr. The money bought:

  1. cardiomonitoring, 
  2. incubatory, 
  3. defibrillator, 
  4. syringe pumps, 
  5. pulsoksymetry, 
  6. CPAPs and 
  7. respiratory.

2st WOŚP final (January 2, 1994)

During the second finals, the issue of helping neonatal hospitals was raised. We managed to collect 4 million 705 thousand. 567 PLN 68 gr. Purchased:

  1. similar devices as the year before, as well as: 
  2. lampy do phototherapy, 
  3. cardiomonitoring, 
  4. Ultrasound and 
  5. resuscitation stations. 

3st WOŚP final (January 8, 1995)

The third final was marked by oncology. For equipment for oncology clinics, we managed to collect 5 million 397 thousand. 984 PLN 22 gr. Purchased:

  1. pediatric colonofiberoscope,
  2. magnetic resonance imaging,
  3. hematology analyzers,
  4. flow cytofluometer,
  5. Ultrasound,
  6. videothoracoscopy set,
  7. cardiomonitoring,
  8. infusion pumps,
  9. ultrasonic surgical aspirator,
  10. surgical diathermy,
  11. irradiation apparatus,
  12. microscopes or
  13. needles, catheters, vascuports.

4st WOŚP final (January 7, 1996)

The theme of the fourth finale was: Saving the lives of children who have suffered accidents. The collected amount is: 6 million 289 thousand. 210 PLN 32 gr. The money was spent on:

  1. RTG,
  2. arthroscopes,
  3. dermatomy,
  4. anesthesia machines,
  5. orthopedic collars,
  6. orthopedic beds,
  7. orthopedic tables,
  8. infusion pumps,
  9. pulsoksymetry,
  10. orthopedic boards,
  11. pickup stretcher,
  12. universal head immobilization,
  13. surgical drills,
  14. plaster saws,
  15. electric mammals,
  16. laryngoscopes,
  17. resuscytatory,
  18. First Aid devices,
  19. bone stabilizers,
  20. Ultrasound,
  21. all-terrain ambulances.

5st WOŚP final (January 5, 1997)

Saving children with heart disease – this is the topic of the fifth final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. We managed to collect 8 million 912 thousand. 136 PLN 63 gr. Shopping:

  1. cardiomonitoring,
  2. incubatory,
  3. syringe pumps,
  4. defibrillator,
  5. respiratory,
  6. CPAP-y,
  7. ECG,
  8. pulsoksymetry,
  9. surgical instruments as well
  10. mammals.

6st WOŚP final (January 4, 1998)

In the sixth final, children injured in accidents were collected. For the amount of PLN 12 million 415 thousand 641 zlotys 71 groszy bought:

  1. accident ambulances,
  2. orthopedic boards,
  3. pickup stretcher,
  4. pediatric collars,
  5. resuscytatory,
  6. laryngoscopes,
  7. universal head immobilization systems,
  8. cardiomonitoring,
  9. operating tables,
  10. Mobile X-ray,
  11. X-ray with C arm,
  12. surgical trepan drills,
  13. orthopedic beds,
  14. infusion pumps,
  15. external stabilization sets,
  16. anesthesia machines,
  17. rehabilitation beds,
  18. surgical instruments,
  19. intraoperative bipolar electrocoagulator.

7st WOŚP final (January 10, 1999)

Saving the lives of newborns – 18 million 729 thousand zlotys were collected for this purpose. 660 PLN 85 gr. Shopping is:

  1. incubatory,
  2. Mobile X-ray,
  3. pulsoksymetry,
  4. resuscitation stations,
  5. devices for micromethods,
  6. cardiomonitoring.

8st WOŚP final (January 9, 2000)

In the eighth finals, the goal of the collection was to save the lives of children with kidney diseases. Amount collected: 25 million 229 thousand. PLN 564 40/XNUMX, and the following was bought:

  1. machines for automatic peritoneal dialysis – 123 items,
  2. central water treatment stations for dialysis – 6 items,
  3. sanitary vehicles for transporting children on dialysis – 7 items,
  4. plasmapheresis apparatus – 9 pcs.,
  5. apparatus for the treatment of dialyzers – 14 items,
  6. non-invasive cardiomonitors – 19 items,
  7. devices for urodynamic tests – 8 items,
  8. cystoscopes with equipment for children for endoscopic examinations with a visual track – 10 sets,
  9. infusion pumps – 30 items,
  10. hemodialysis machines – 14 items,
  11. devices for continuous blood pressure measurement and ABPM – 16 items,
  12. cytometry machine,
  13. ultrasound scanners for Children’s Dialysis Centers – 11 items,
  14. ultrasound scanner for the pediatric cardiac surgery clinic,
  15. devices for the surgical treatment of scoliosis in children.

9st WOŚP final (January 7, 2001)

The ninth final was focused on the diagnosis of newborns and infants. 24 million 366 thousand were collected 827 PLN 76 gr. The equipment you bought are:

  1. high-class ultrasound scanners with color Doppler for neonatology departments – 6 pcs,
  2. device for screening hearing with the otoacoustic emission method – 440 items,
  3. clinical impedance audiometer – 22 items,
  4. device for recording otoacoustic emissions – 42 items,
  5. clinical tonal audiometer – 10 items,
  6. device for testing auditory evoked potentials – 32 items,
  7. device for selecting and testing acoustic parameters of hearing aids – 8 pcs,
  8. device for programming hearing aids – 8 pcs,
  9. device for audiometry enhanced with visual stimuli – 16 items,
  10. intermediate sight glass – 60 pcs,
  11. diode laser – 7 pcs,
  12. insulin pumps.

10st WOŚP final (January 13, 2002)

During the jubilee final, 26 million 291 thousand zlotys were collected. 936 PLN 80 gr. The aim was to save the lives of children with birth defects, in particular the surgical treatment of newborns and infants. Purchased:

  1. utility and passenger cars, mini vans – 15 items,
  2. mobile treatment stations for newborns bought – 31 items,
  3. simple neonatal respirators – 15 pcs.,
  4. neonatal respirators with the possibility of HFV – 30 items,
  5. open incubators with phototherapy – 32 pcs,
  6. invasive monitors – 47 items,
  7. non-invasive monitors – 13 items,
  8. pulse oximeters – 30 items,
  9. syringe pumps – 100 items,
  10. volume pumps – 76 pcs,
  11. x-rays with the arm – 4 pcs,
  12. diathermy – 6 items,
  13. nitrogen oxide stations – 3 pcs,
  14. transport incubators – 3 pcs,
  15. operating lamps and two headlights – 13 pcs,
  16. electric mammals – 45 pcs.,
  17. water heating mattresses – 15 items,
  18. insulin pumps.

11st WOŚP final (January 12, 2011)

This time, they were collected for the purchase of medical equipment for infant wards and younger children. 30 million 116 thousand. 786 PLN 01 gr. It was bought for:

  1. baby scales – 100 items,
  2. children’s scales with a height measuring device – 111 items,
  3. baby cots – 250 items,
  4. cots – 52 items,
  5. pulse oximeters – 213 items,
  6. syringe pumps – 609 items,
  7. pumps for parenteral / enteral nutrition – 69 items,
  8. electric mammals – 150 pcs.,
  9. inhalers – 200 pcs.,
  10. non-invasive monitors – 315 items,
  11. incubators – 45 pcs,
  12. glucometers – 300 pcs.,
  13. ultrasound machines – 12 pcs,
  14. equipment for endoscopic laboratories – Olympus,
  15. vision tracks with a gastroscope – 6 items,
  16. pediatric videogastroscopes – 14 items,
  17. neonatal videogastroscopes – 2 items,
  18. pediatric optical gastroscopes – 4 items,
  19. pediatric colonoscopes – 3 pcs,
  20. endoscopic washes – 8 items,
  21. endoscopic dliathermas – 2 items,
  22. pH meters – 10 pcs,
  23. bronchofiberoskopy – 5 kpl.,
  24. ECG machines – 100 pcs,
  25. RR recorders – 30 items,
  26. ECG recorders – 8 items,
  27. insulin pumps.

12st WOŚP final (January 11, 2004)

The 12th final was entitled “Purchase of medical equipment for infants and younger children”. The collected sum is 27 million 244 thousand. 441 PLN 42 gr.

13st WOŚP final (January 9, 2005)

During this final, 28 million 915 thousand were collected. 014 PLN 05 gr. The collection was aimed at modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in neonatology and paediatrics. Purchased:

  1. ultrasound machines – 20 pcs,
  2. cardiotocographs – 26 items,
  3. closed incubators for primary care – 109 items,
  4. closed incubators for intensive care – 29 items,
  5. open incubators – 14 pcs.,
  6. resuscitation stations – 22 items,
  7. insulin pumps.

14st WOŚP final (January 8, 2006)

29 million 994 thousand PLN 902 PLN 41 was raised to save the lives of children injured in accidents and to learn first aid. Managed to purchase:

  1. 120 AED defibrillators – January 13.01.2006, XNUMX as part of the RUR
  2. sight glass camera – 3 pcs,
  3. device for locating buried living persons – 4 pcs,
  4. four-wheeled vehicle with a trailer – 2 items,
  5. stabilization systems for building elements and structures – light set,
  6. stabilization systems for building elements and structures – a heavy set,
  7. emergency hydraulic kit,
  8. set of rescue hydraulic cylinders,
  9. heavy set of rescue hydraulic cylinders,
  10. lighting unit – 5 sets,
  11. gasoline concrete chainsaw,
  12. electric demolition hammer,
  13. GPS set – 5 sets,
  14. PSP R1 set – 5 sets,
  15. personal insulin pumps – 500 items,
  16. X-ray machines with C arm – 13 items,
  17. bedside X-ray machines – 4 pcs,
  18. operating tables – orthopedic – 11 items,
  19. universal orthopedic drive – 18 items,
  20. orthopedic drive extended version – 1 item,
  21. orthopedic micro drive – 1 item,
  22. instrument set for intramedullary rods – 13 items,
  23. set of external stabilizers – 22 pcs,
  24. dermatomas – 16 items,
  25. orthopedic lift beds – 70 items,
  26. insulin pumps.

15st WOŚP final (January 14, 2007)

It was the second time that people were collected to save the lives of children injured in accidents and to learn first aid. This time, we managed to collect 28 million 532 thousand. 959 PLN 28 gr. The money was spent on:

  1. personal insulin pumps – 400 items,
  2. ultrasound machine for orthopedic diagnostics of children – 14 items,
  3. surgical electric suction for children – 18 pcs.,
  4. single syringe pump – 190 pcs,
  5. volumetric pump – 43 pcs.,
  6. a stroller for transporting children – 14 items,
  7. pulse oximeter for monitoring children – 38 items,
  8. cardiac monitor for monitoring the vital parameters of children – 82 items,
  9. apparatus for general anesthesia for children – 11 items,
  10. insulin pumps – 46.

16st WOŚP final (January 13, 2008)

The sixteenth final was marked by ENT diseases in children. For their diagnosis and treatment, 32 million 147 thousand were collected. PLN 539. Purchased:

  1. cardiomonitors – 12 items,
  2. Traveling X-ray – 1 item,
  3. operational mammals – 20 pcs.,
  4. ultrasonic inhalers – 13 pcs,
  5. ultrasound machine – 1 item,
  6. pulse oximeters – 13 items,
  7. operating microscopes – 7 pcs,
  8. nasofiberoscopes – 51 pcs.,
  9. instruments for laryngeal microsurgery – 4 sets,
  10. videostroboscopes – 5 pcs,  
  11. rhinomanometry – 9 pcs., 
  12. endoscopic nose and sinus surgery kit – 22 sets, 
  13. set of rigid endoscopes – 24 pcs,
  14. a set of tools for ear microsurgery – 4 sets,
  15. ear drills – 9 pcs,
  16. respirators – 2 pcs.
  17. anesthesia machines – 6 pcs,
  18. polysomnograph – 1 item,
  19. surgical loupes – 3 pcs,
  20. laminar chamber.

17st WOŚP final (January 11, 2009)

Early detection of cancer in children is the slogan of the 17th final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. 42 million 191 thousand were collected 283 PLN 90 gr. Shopping:

  1. mammals – 10 pcs.,
  2. syringe pumps – 10 items,
  3. respirators – 3 pcs.,
  4. rehabilitation equipment,
  5. oxygen concentrators – 5 pcs,
  6. ultrasound machines – 80 pcs,
  7. X-ray machines – 7 pcs.

18st WOŚP final (January 10, 2010)

“For children with oncological diseases – to equip cancer clinics with highly specialized equipment”. For this purpose, 42 million 880 thousand zlotys were collected. PLN 678 PLN 52 and the following was bought:

  1. anesthesia machines – 3 pcs,
  2. laser system,
  3. mikrotom,
  4. computer tomographs – 6 items,
  5. colonoscope 
  6. bronchoskop,
  7. anesthesia machines for MRI laboratories,
  8. flow cytometers – 4 pcs,
  9. neuronavigation – 2 items,
  10. two-head SPECT camera,
  11. cardiomonitors – 2 items,
  12. infusion pumps – 32 items,
  13. pulse oximeters – 12 items,
  14. hybridizer,
  15. Water bath,
  16. apparatus for immunohistopathological examinations,
  17. laboratory fridge-freezer.

In addition, on July 4, 2010, the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy Foundation organized a one-day public fundraiser, the purpose of which was to purchase equipment to help eliminate the effects of the flood. 2 million 644 thousand were collected PLN 507 34 grosz, allocated to: 100 WT 40 motor pumps, 200 “Posejdon” floating motor pumps, 130 single-phase FH 1 power generators and 3541 15-phase ECT 3P power generators, as well as 7000 KTH 130X motopumps for contaminated water.

19st WOŚP final (January 9, 2011)

This final was entitled “Purchase of equipment for children suffering from urological and nephrological diseases”. The collected amount (47 million 248 thousand PLN 415 05) was allocated to:

  1. flow cytometer,
  2. syringe pumps – 100 items,
  3. pressure measuring devices – 40 pcs,
  4. devices for continuous methods of renal replacement therapy CRRT – 32 items,
  5. ultrasound machines for vessel identification – 13 items,
  6. nephrological ultrasound machines – 17 items,
  7. weight beds – 16 pcs.,
  8. armchairs – 7 items,
  9. cardiomonitors – 61 items,
  10. hemodialysis machines – 30 items,
  11. water treatment stations – 8 pcs,
  12. ureterorenoscopy kits – 13 sets,
  13. 50 ABMP recorders and 21 recorders,
  14. urological ultrasound machines – 16 items,
  15. vision tracks – 19 pcs,
  16. cystometers – 21 items,
  17. uroflowmeters – 24 items,
  18. cystoscopes – 100 items,
  19. resectoscopy – 22 pcs.,
  20. laparoscopic set – 8 sets,
  21. endourological set,
  22. diathermy – 10 items,
  23. ultrasound machines – 7 pcs,
  24. apparatus CRRT – 4 pcs.,
  25. critical parameters analyzer,
  26. SphygmoCor devices – 3 pcs,
  27. biopsy guns – 5 pcs,
  28. apparatus MARS.

20st WOŚP final (January 9, 2012)

Another jubilee finale is the slogan «We play with pomp! A healthy mother, a healthy premature baby, a healthy baby, that is, for the purchase of the most modern devices to save the lives of premature babies and insulin pumps for pregnant women with diabetes ». We managed to break the barrier of PLN 50 million: PLN 50 million 638 thousand was collected. 801 PLN 30 gr.

21st WOŚP final (January 13, 2013)

During the 21st finals, 50 million 657 thousand were collected. PLN 747 PLN 68 The aim of the fundraiser was to save the lives of children and provide proper medical care for seniors. The purchases that were made were:

  1. ultrasound machines,
  2. cardiomonitoring,
  3. bathing chairs,
  4. lifts,
  5. densytometry,
  6. bed,
  7. spirometry,
  8. ECG machines,
  9. holtery EKG,
  10. pressure recorders,
  11. spirometry,
  12. bedside rehabilitation devices,
  13. wheelchair,
  14. anti-bedsore mattresses,
  15. mammals
  16. inhalatory,
  17. syringe pumps,
  18. rotors,
  19. scales,
  20. pionizatory,
  21. ultrasound machines,
  22. syringe pumps,
  23. rehabilitation equipment,
  24. Infant Flow devices and mobile stations for non-invasive support of newborns,
  25. lampy do phototherapy,
  26. closed incubators,
  27. resuscitation stations,
  28. bilirubinometry,
  29. transcutaneous monitors,
  30. tissue oximeter,
  31. lampy do phototherapy,
  32. closed incubators,
  33. resuscitation stations.

22st WOŚP final (January 12, 2014)

52 million 448 thousand PLN 765 PLN 49 was spent on the purchase of specialist equipment for children’s emergency medicine and decent medical care for seniors. What kind of equipment is it? These include:

  1. tomographs, 
  2. ultrasound machines, 
  3. respiratory, 
  4. cardiomonitoring, 
  5. X-ray machines with C-arm, 
  6. microanalyzer, 
  7. difficult intubation sets,
  8. electronically controlled beds, 
  9. anti-bedsore mattresses, 
  10. wheelchair, 
  11. mammals 
  12. inhalatory.

What the money from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity fundraising has been spent on since 2015 can be checked on the website nacoidamojepieniadze.wosp.org.pl, which has been specially launched for this purpose.

23st WOŚP final (January 11, 2015)

The slogan of the final is: “To maintain high standards of treatment of children in pediatric and oncology wards and decent medical care for seniors”. The sum of 53 million 109 thousand. 702 PLN 83 gr.

24st WOŚP final (January 10, 2016)

A record sum of 72 million 696 thousand was collected. 501 PLN 53 gr. The aim was to purchase medical devices for pediatric wards and to provide decent medical care for seniors.

25st WOŚP final (January 15, 2017)

During the 25th finals, as much as 105 million 570 thousand zlotys were collected. 801 PLN 49 gr. They were collected to save the life and health of children in general pediatric wards and to provide decent medical care to seniors.

26st WOŚP final (January 14, 2018)

In 2018, 126 million 373 thousand were collected for equal opportunities in the treatment of newborns. 804 PLN 34 gr.

27st WOŚP final (January 13, 2019)

During the 27th finals of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, she played “for small children and without a fuss for the purchase of equipment for specialist children’s hospitals”. We managed to raise 175 million 938 thousand. 717 PLN 56 gr.

28st WOŚP final (January 12, 2020)

The slogan of the final is: “For children’s surgical medicine”. The collected amount is: 186 million 133 thousand. 610 PLN 66 gr. Additionally, as part of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity donated equipment worth about PLN 70 million, thanks to which hospitals, nursing homes, care and treatment facilities and hospices received support.

29st WOŚP final (January 31, 2021)

210 million 813 thousand were collected. 830 PLN 10 gr. It was “Finale with the head – otolaryngology and diagnostics of the head, neck and larynx”.

Diagnostic tests

You can find a wide range of diagnostic tests on Medonet Market.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Lessons for Poland from Great Britain. The virologist criticizes the lifting of restrictions
  2. Microbiologist from Szczecin: “the more people get sick, the more hospitalization will also be required”
  3. «I will not get vaccinated. Nobody will force me ». The doctor responds with “unconvinced”
  4. R indicator up. An alarming situation in all provinces

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