What day is better to go for groceries

Shopping in the supermarket is boring, but necessary. And if you choose the right time, you can make it as useful as possible and even save a little.

Many people postpone a visit to the supermarket for groceries for a week until the weekend. This is understandable: time is free. Analysts say this is not the best solution.

According to the results of research on consumer activity, the worst time for grocery shopping is Saturday and Sunday, noon. Just everyone woke up, having slept off after a long week of work, and went to do household chores to free up the evening for something more pleasant.

In second place in terms of workload – from 6 to 8 pm on weekdays. People return from work and run to the store for food.

The shops are least busy in the mornings, until about 11 o’clock. And in the evenings – after 21:00. True, there is also a danger here – the choice at this time is usually worse than during rush hours. After all, in the morning they had not yet had time to do the calculation, and in the evening they had already sorted everything out.

From the point of view of choice, the worst day for shopping is Monday, especially the first half of the day. Suppliers usually arrive on this day. Therefore, in the morning the shelves are empty, the stocks of the day off have dried up.

Well, the best day to stock up is Wednesday. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, all suppliers by this day have already usually reached their customers, and the choice of products is wide enough.

Second, all decent grocery supermarket chains have a tendency to sell expiring items at discounted prices. And they carry out an audit, gluing discount tags, on Tuesday and Wednesday. It turns out that there is an opportunity to save money – by Wednesday the range of discounts is already thinning.

Thirdly, there are usually few people in stores during the week. It turns out that you have the opportunity to save not only time, but also money.

5 secrets of successful purchases

1. Go to the store full of energy. Or at least not too tired. When only memories remain from cheerfulness, we run through the rows, trying to quickly get rid of the purchases. At the same time, we forget to buy the most important thing – and we have to return to the supermarket again.

2. Don’t go grocery hungry. Well, it’s obvious. Buy excess, harmful, some kind of quick food that you can gobble up right at the checkout.

3. Don’t go shopping right after work. Hungry, tired, or even angry is not the best state to stock up on.

4. Make a list. It helps a lot to save time. Especially if you know exactly where what is in this store.

5. You must have a spare time. When you’re in a hurry, things don’t work out very well. Be sure to grab something wrong, and forget half of it.

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