What danger can people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus pose

Infectionist-vaccinologist Evgeny Timakov is sure: a vaccinated person must understand that having secured himself, he did not protect those around him.

 54 879 103February 11 2021

According to the candidate of medical sciences Evgeny Timakov, many people acquire a false sense of security after vaccination. The expert is sure that after vaccination, on the contrary, you should increase your vigilance. 

“A person who has been vaccinated may think that he can no longer be contagious and cannot get infected himself. But this is not true. There is still a small risk of infection after vaccination, although if it does, the disease will not be severe. In addition, a person himself can be a source of infection and pose a danger to others, ”Timakov said.

According to the vaccinologist, special vigilance should be shown if not everyone in the family is vaccinated. Also, do not forget about people who are susceptible to coronavirus and have not yet been ill.

It is even possible that the vaccination will be given at the moment when a person is in the incubation period of an infectious disease. In this case, the reaction to the vaccine can be mistaken for symptoms of the disease. 

“A person who has been vaccinated against a coronavirus infection can theoretically be in the incubation period and really get sick with some kind of viral disease, the same ARVI, flu or coronavirus. He himself will not be able to distinguish their symptoms from the vaccination reaction and will think that this is a reaction to the vaccination, but in fact he may have an infectious disease. In this case, he will need to consult with a doctor to prescribe therapy, ”- Evgeny Timakov is sure.

After vaccination, you should not hide the appearance of various symptoms from doctors. If for a long time after vaccination (within three to five days) you are worried about an allergic reaction, high fever, severe headaches, muscle pain, shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, runny nose, then you should immediately see a doctor. Perhaps this is not a reaction to vaccination, but symptoms of an already onset disease. 

Materials used Radiosputnik.ria.ru

Photo: Legion-Media.ru, Anton Novoderezhkin, Gavriil Grigorov / TASS, SERGEI ILNITSKY / EPA / TASS

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