What could a fever mean in a child? Every parent must know this
APAP for children FORTE Publication partner

Increased temperature in a toddler is quite common. When should it be worrying and when is it the result of a common viral infection? How to deal with a fever in an infant and toddler?

When are we talking about fever?

Body temperature in infants and young children is generally slightly higher than in adults. It is associated with faster metabolism and a higher body surface area to weight ratio [1]. In newborns, the average temperature measured in the rectum may be about 37,5 degrees Celsius, the lowest being usually in the morning and slightly higher in the evening hours.

In pediatrics, fever is defined as a temperature measured in the rectum above 38 degrees C in newborns and infants up to 3 months of age, while in older children, up to 3 years of age, a temperature between 38 and 39 is defined as fever. st. C [1]. It should be remembered that the body temperature above 39 degrees C is an emergency situation that is potentially dangerous for the health and life of a child. In children over 3 years of age, fever is above 38 degrees C measured in the oral cavity [1].

What could a fever mean?

In most cases, fever in children is associated with infections caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites [2]. Typical childhood diseases are, for example:

  1. otitis,
  2. cold or flu
  3. scarlatina,
  4. the so-called three-day payout,
  5. Chickenpox,
  6. viral diarrhea.

Fever is most often accompanied by irritability, apathy, facial flushing, sparkling eyes, chills, and difficulty breathing (the child begins to breathe through his mouth). Often, high body temperature also occurs during teething, and is also one of the post-vaccination symptoms.

The parent’s vigilance should be aroused by a prolonged fever (or temperature above 40 degrees Celsius) with non-specific symptoms, such as peripheral cyanosis, ecchymosis, irregular or rapid breathing, etc. [2]. It is then necessary to immediately consult a pediatrician.

How to deal with a fever in a child?

It is worth observing the toddler’s behavior and, if disturbing symptoms appear, report them to the doctor. Remember to hydrate regularly, as a large loss of fluids and electrolytes can endanger the health and even life of a child at an early stage of development. The most common home remedies to reduce fever are cold compresses or a cool bath.

One of the most popular drugs is paracetamol. It is both analgesic and antipyretic. It can be used from the first day of life, after prior consultation with a doctor (consultation is not required from the age of 1 months, although still recommended) [3]. An example of a drug containing paracetamol in the composition is Apap for children FORTE, which fights fever and relieves pain of low or moderate intensity. Since children often find it difficult to take medication, and are also lethargic and irritable during illness, the amount of the preparation to be swallowed may be an important factor.

APAP for children FORTE is a suspension with a high concentration of paracetamol – 40 mg / ml. An acceptable orange * taste is also important as the drug can be readily taken by a child who is tired of a fever. The dosage of the drug itself is equally important. They are adjusted based on the current weight of the child (Apap offers conversion factors for toddlers from 3 kg to 26 kg). The calculator for calculating a single dose in accordance with the child’s weight is available HERE.

Baby’s first aid kit – a must-have for a young mother

The basic equipment of the first aid kit for babies and toddlers should include:

  1. thermometer – preferably two: a non-contact one, as it facilitates quick and precise temperature measurement, and a traditional, liquid one – for measuring the temperature in the armpit or in the anus; thanks to this, we will be more sure that the temperature has been correctly measured,
  2. painkillers and antipyretics intended for children from the first day of life, e.g. FORTE apap for children,
  3. a hot water bottle, e.g. made of cherry stones,
  4. saline (NaCl 0,9%) – preferably in the form of small, convenient 5 ml ampoules,
  5. probiotics – necessary in the case of disorders of the bacterial flora,
  6. electrolytes – useful for diarrhea and fever; help to restore the water and electrolyte balance,
  7. preparations for colic and flatulence,
  8. glycerin suppositories for constipation,
  9. sterile compresses, bandages, plasters and a wound disinfectant, e.g. with octenidine in the composition,
  10. nosa vacuum cleaner. 

It is necessary to systematically check the expiry dates of all medicines and preparations intended for children, and also to store them properly (in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations). It is also good practice to keep the leaflets that come with the packaging of products.

* Drugs for fever and pain for children – brand perception, N = 864, 77% of mothers of children aged 0-10 years agree that the statement “APAP for children tastes good to their children” fits the brand, Q1-Q4 2019, IQS .

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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