What conditions should be created for the self-realization of the individual

Hello my dear readers! Each of us performs certain actions in accordance with our internal mechanisms, principles and needs.

Not so long ago we talked about the self-actualization of a person. And today I want to share with you the reasoning about what conditions exist for the self-realization of the individual, and in general to reveal the issues related to this direction. Well, let’s get started.

What it is?

For a long time, representatives of world psychology have been working on the study of this issue. The concept of self-realization includes an active position in relation to the lives of such people who strive to translate their potential into reality, regardless of the type of activity. It could be a career or a hobby, for example.

I note that self-realization is a process when a person realizes his abilities and internal resources in the present.

Thus, she (this person) works on herself, improves and cognizes herself. For people who managed to achieve goals in this sometimes difficult business, the expression “a person has succeeded in life” is applied.

Self-realization as a need

As you know, each of us has certain needs. Humanist psychologists of the 7th century studied this topic in detail, creating their own theories and classifications. For example, there is the so-called Maslow pyramid, which indicates XNUMX levels of basic human needs.

The first level is basic, that which ensures the vital activity of each of us (food, air, water). Next comes the need for security, love, acceptance, and so on. But at the top — self-realization, the opportunity to prove themselves and their skills. The field of activity does not matter.

A person strives to obtain satisfaction by using his knowledge, skills, skills (both innate and acquired), tries to reveal his talents, realize his plans and become the best not only for himself, but also in the eyes of the environment.

This seventh, highest level includes such aspects as self-affirmation and recognition. To satisfy it, a person needs:

  1. to show their resources and skills — that is, to come to a certain result in the activity;
  2. get recognition from the environment;
  3. feel the return.

What conditions should be created for the self-realization of the individual

However, for the assessment, predetermined indicators and criteria are needed. Let’s say you decide to go on the path of a doctor. Here, the evaluation criterion is the number of patients cured by you, the recognition of those cured, and self-affirmation is manifested by the level of professionalism.

In the process of self-development, a person is required to show will and activity, to expend efforts aimed at the implementation of specific ideas.


Each of us has complete freedom of choice. At the moment, there are 3 most common areas in which you can prove yourself:

  • creation;
  • profession;
  • society.

Let’s talk about each of them in more detail.

Creative way

It involves the application and development of their talents and skills, both in the field of art and science. In addition, it includes the process of finding ways of self-expression, solving problems, regardless of living conditions and type of activity.

It can be anything: from everyday life to career. There is no doubt that creativity provides the individual with a wide range of possibilities.

When a person uses non-standard thinking, he not only develops, gets what he wants, saves time and resources. But he also realizes that other goals no longer seem so unattainable to him.

By the way, a description of the ways that will help develop creative thinking can be found by clicking here.

Professional activity

If you have chosen a career, then you are ready to make an effort and work in the professional field that interests you the most. And if you are satisfied with your position, solve issues and problems with interest, and are also satisfied with the salary, then you have become a professional.

Personal potential and abilities are fully revealed when the work performed corresponds to the goals and motives, and is also useful to society.

It is important to bear in mind that professional activity occupies a significant part of our lives. And in some cases it displaces other spheres as well.

Life in society

A successful and socialized person can be called someone who manages to find a common language with completely different people who surround him. When the patterns and social stereotypes that society sets have no influence on it.

And he himself is able to show empathy, that is, sympathize with others, care for them and provide support. The level of general development also matters, which allows you to maintain any conversation and remain interesting to the interlocutors.

There is even such a term as emotional intelligence. You can find out more about what it is and how to develop it by clicking on this link.

What conditions should be created for the self-realization of the individual


There are a number of conditions, without which it will be impossible (or very difficult) to work in a given direction in order to reveal your potential and talents. And it doesn’t really matter in what area.

So, you must follow the following rules:

  1. To study yourself — you need to soberly assess your potential, know your interests, goals, experiences.
  2. Be able to control your condition, manage yourself.
  3. To have a sense of inner freedom — it is this that gives strength to take the initiative and act in order to realize what was conceived. Learn more about how to achieve this state here.
  4. Take responsibility — here you can safely apply the proverb «everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness.»
  5. To live in society — that is, to interact with the people who surround you. Thus, the necessary material and energy exchange takes place, during which a person reveals himself as a person. So put up with it, you are a social being, therefore you are doomed to constant contact with other individuals. The fulfillment of this condition depends on how socially active you are.
  6. Provide yourself with emotional support. Its purpose is to build your confidence in the world and confidence in yourself.
  7. Determine the most effective motivation. Which will stimulate to work in one direction or another in order to achieve a specific result.


It is important to note that the path of self-realization will be completely unsuccessful if there is fear and negativity in a person’s life, and there is no protection and support. I say this to the fact that if you want to successfully realize your potential, provide fertile ground for this.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that in each social group there are special standards and levels of personality development, similar to which there are simply no other similar social cells.

Thank you for your attention, dear readers! Visit the site, there is still a lot of interesting and useful information not only for you, but also for your friends and acquaintances.

All the best to you and see you soon!

Also, we recommend reading an article about mental chewing gum. Those. these are thoughts that are difficult to get rid of and that arise in the head, spontaneously.

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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