What computer skills should a child learn?

In the face of growing competition in the labor market, it is important to take care of the future of the child right now. What office software skills should every teenager have, and how can they be helped to master them?

Sometimes it seems like kids are tech geeks. Today, schoolchildren are successfully launching tech startups, gaining millions of followers on social networks, and breaking esports records. However, oddly enough, some basic computer skills and office programs often escape the attention of teenagers. This becomes a problem when they go to university after high school or get their first serious job. How to prepare a child for entering a competitive labor market and what should a modern child be able to do?

Make stylish and understandable presentations

The basics of working with Power Point are included in the mandatory program in computer science, but today school skills are not enough. In interactive lessons or internal conferences, the child’s work always looks more advantageous if the presentation is designed in a modern and stylish way. In many professions – consulting, marketing, sales, management – a well-written presentation determines the success of a project by 80%. There are special agencies that prepare presentations, but the child will be a more valuable specialist if he can cope with such tasks on his own.

Tip: try doing a joint project with your child. It can be anything from a family dinner to a family vacation. Then prepare an interesting and bright presentation about this project. Indicate goals, stages of preparation, planned results and all possible information on the slides. You can draw inspiration from the websites of special agencies.

Create tables and use Excel formulas

“Confident user of Excel” is one of the most common requirements for job seekers. The ability to work with spreadsheets is a skill that everyone needs, from an office manager to an executive. If a child at school learns to correctly compose and format tables, maintain databases (albeit small ones) and use formulas, he will not have to blush at interviews and catch up.

Tip: Start simple and have your child keep track of their own expenses and income in Excel. In such a file, you can enter a variety of tasks, including homework. As such tables are maintained and supplemented, the need to make them more convenient and understandable will arise by itself. Further, the book “Excel for Dummies” and materials on the Internet will help out.

Build web pages with HTML

Having learned to make up web pages, the child will discover the scope for creativity. He will be able to make a beautiful portfolio of his work, talk about his favorite hobby or create a whole website, as the inhabitants of the village of “Eye” did. The basics of layout are especially necessary for representatives of creative professions and future journalists. But any specialist can use this skill.

Invite your child to tell all the most interesting things about himself, his hobbies, family and friends in the format of a web page. Start with a draft, help pick up text and photos.

Edit simple videos

The ability to edit a video is useful both in everyday life (make a video about a recent trip as a keepsake) and in a career: according to HeadHunter, 63% of HR specialists believe that a video resume allows you to get incomparably more information about the applicant than a standard electronic questionnaire. There are many free tools available today to help you practice making simple videos.

Tip: Invite your child to film highlights of walks with the dog or meetings with friends for a month. After that, edit the video together in a simple editor.

Use licensed content

In Western countries, the use of unlicensed (“pirated”) content is a serious crime, and ordinary users prefer to pay for a movie or game in order not to risk it. Our country is just moving to this format of work. It is important today to tell children about the value of other people’s work and the need to choose legal ways to consume content.

The international brand Prestigio is holding a promotion. When purchasing a Smartbook 133 S laptop in M.Video and Eldorado stores, you get a licensed version of the popular Minecraft game as a gift. The game develops imagination, creativity and teamwork skills. In Northern Ireland it is even used in schools as part of the educational process. Minecraft is loved by kids all over the world.

Smartbook 133 S is a compact, lightweight and durable laptop that is well suited for schoolchildren and students to solve everyday tasks and practice these skills. This is one of the best-selling laptop models in Russia. Smartbook 133 S is equipped with a wide Full HD screen and is able to work without recharging up to eight hours. The manufacturer preinstalled the official Windows PRO operating system and all the necessary office programs, so you can start using it immediately after purchase. Let all the programs on your child’s first laptop be licensed. More information about the laptop can be found at link.

Have a basic knowledge of Photoshop

The ability to make a simple picture with text or a filter applied is a necessary skill for young professionals, as important as the ability to use a computer 15 years ago. If a child knows how to make a beautiful background for a presentation, a funny picture for friends or a poster for an event, he will always be able to find a source of income.

American designer Kirk Nelson suggests using Photoshop as a tool for developing children’s imagination.

Council: Try Kirk’s fun Parent-Child Collaboration Photoshop Option, found at Online.

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