What color is your urine? One of the colors may even mean cancer

Hardly anyone observes the appearance of their urine every day. We usually only look at urine when we notice something really disturbing, such as its red color. Meanwhile, the color of urine can tell us something very important about the functioning of our urinary system, and often even the entire body.

  1. The appropriate color of urine is straw-colored. Too dark urine most often means that our body is highly dehydrated
  2. Few people know that its transparent color can indicate diabetes
  3. An alarming condition is red urine. It can even be a venereal disease or bladder cancer
  4. However, proper research is needed for diagnosis. Vegetables can change the color of urine. It is colored red by beets and orange by carrots
  5. Patients often react with terror when they see black urine. Meanwhile, it is often the result of a large amount of iron in the body
  6. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

We can make a basic assessment of the condition of our urine ourselves. Urine that is normal in appearance will have shade of straw yellow. It is a color close to what we see in the main photo in this article. Urine that looks like this means that we are drinking enough water. If we consumed too much of it, then it would be transparent or light yellow. On the other hand, drinking too little fluid will result in infrequent urination, and urination, which remains in the body for a long time, will have a higher urobilin content, which will give it dark yellow coloration.

Red urine – what does it mean?

The moment we notice that our urine is there redthen you should go to the doctor as soon as possible and have a sample of his doctor undergo basic tests. It may turn out that the blood in it is responsible for the red color.

This is not necessarily a cause for concern, but you do need to find out what is causing it. This could be the result of strenuous exercise as well as medication.

Serious kidney or bladder diseases can also be responsible for blood in the urine. It could be cancer of one of these organs or a severe respiratory infection treated with antibiotics. This is how venereal diseases, such as gonorrhea, also manifest themselves.

It is worth knowing that the abuse of painkillers can also cause red urine.

Not only beets. These vegetables will color your urine too

Beets can turn urine red. Almost everyone knows about it. Few people know, however, that also eaten asparagus can color the urine – in this case green.

If you eat a lot of carrots, your urine will turn orange. A meal consisting of beans or the appearance of aloe or rhubarb in the diet can cause the urine to turn a new color – brown.

On online forums where medical topics are discussed, users share rare situations when they observe the blue color of their urine. It also happens, and preparations that neutralize gastric juices are responsible for it.

Interestingly, urine not only stains carrots orange, but also drugs used during chemotherapy.

Very light urine

Urine that is colorless or slightly yellowmay mean that we have diabetes.

This disease causes increased thirst, which, if regularly satisfied, obviously causes repeated pressure on the bladder throughout the day. To check if we have diabetes, it is worth measuring the blood glucose level. Depending on the results of this basic test, you may be referred by your doctor for an oral glucose tolerance test.

As disturbing as red urine

Sometimes the urine can even turn black. Then people who observe this appearance of urine react with panic. What could it mean black urine? The situation may affect people who receive high doses of iron in the form of a drug, e.g. intramuscularly.

Black urine is also caused by the accumulation of melanin in it. This is one of the symptoms of an extremely severe skin cancer called melanoma.

Do you experience discomfort while urinating? Perform the Urinary Urinary Tract Infection Rapid Test from Medonet Market.

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