perennials are often used to decorate fences, walls of outbuildings and houses, as well as arbors. The gazebo, densely entwined with decorative greenery, will be a great place for solitude or lush festivities for a noisy company. Greenery will hide everything that happens inside the gazebo from prying eyes, make the atmosphere cozy, and the design itself original, beautiful. If you wish, you can pick up various perennial climbing plants for the gazebo, descriptions, photos and names of the most popular species are given below.
Criterias of choice
A huge number of different types of climbing perennials makes the gardener think about how to choose the best option for landscaping the gazebo. Of course, the primary selection criterion is the decorativeness of the plant. It is also worth emphasizing that perennials must be winter-hardy. This will allow with the advent of spring not to worry about the safety and restoration of plantings. The relative unpretentiousness of climbing plants is also important for gardeners who do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on caring for them.
All climbing perennials can be conditionally divided into evergreen, flowering and fruiting. Moreover, the fruits of some vines are not only edible, but also have an excellent taste, a complex of vitamins.
Evergreen climbing perennials
A gazebo wrapped in greenery can always be the highlight of a garden. She represents the freshness and strength of nature. The absence of lush flowers will not allow the gazebo to “crowd out” the existing flowering flower beds from the general backyard design, only emphasizing their beauty.
Among evergreen climbing plants, ivy is most often used to decorate arbors and fences. Its advantage is unpretentiousness and high frost resistance. The length of the plant can reach 30 m. Additional shoots and adventitious roots are massively formed on its main stems. They firmly cling to the existing supports, lifting the greens up.
There are 16 different types of ivy, but common ivy is the most commonly grown in Our Country because it has exceptional winter hardiness. In the central part of Our Country, it can not be prepared for winter at all, without fear of freezing. In the northern regions, the plant must be removed from the support and covered with spruce branches for the winter. Common ivy can be grown in lowlands and rocky soils. In care, the plant is unpretentious. The leaves of ordinary ivy are carved, have a dense skin and a shiny glossy surface.
To decorate arbors, ivy should be planted around the perimeter of the building. After 2-3 years, climbing plants will cover the entire required area.
Maiden Grapes
This climbing perennial has high decorative qualities. Its leaves in the summer season are painted in the usual green color, but with the advent of autumn their color turns bright red, which allows you to bring color to an already extinct garden. The length of the shoots of girlish grapes reaches 20 m. The plant is able to crawl up the support or hang gracefully from top to bottom. A climbing perennial with its large leaves tightly covers the surface of the gazebo, protecting the interior from drafts and summer heat.
Girlish grapes are especially popular with gardeners in Our Country. This is primarily due to the high resistance to freezing. In addition, the climbing perennial is very unpretentious to growing conditions. A small piece of land is enough for him to grow an abundant green mass. During the growing period, the plant does not require regular top dressing, it is enough to apply fertilizer to the hole when planting it.
With the help of this perennial, it is easy and simple to decorate the gazebo with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to plant plants around the perimeter of the building. The perennial is fast-growing, its vines grow an average of 3 meters per year, which means that already 2 years after planting, you can count on the fact that the entire surface of the gazebo will be densely entwined with beautiful foliage.
When eating such fruits, the mucous tissues of a person get burned.
This perennial climbing plant is known to many gardeners. Its feature is the rapid growth of shoots, the height of which reaches 7 m. This height is quite enough to cover the gazebo walls and roof.
Common hop is characterized by good winter hardiness, however, its disadvantage is the demanding care and susceptibility to various diseases. So, once every 2 months, climbing perennials need to be fed with mineral or organic fertilizers. The enemy of hops is powdery mildew, which appears as a gray or white coating on the inner surface of the leaf.
This climbing perennial blooms annually. Its female inflorescences are small cones of light green color. Male inflorescences are represented by unsightly white flowers.
These perennial climbing plants are great for decorating gazebos with your own hands. It is not at all difficult to plant them around the perimeter of the building, 1 seedling for every 80 cm of the perimeter. They are unpretentious in care and do not require shelters for the winter.
Flowering perennials
Beautiful curly vines with lush flowers always attract the attention of passers-by. Climbing plants can be used to create floral gazebo walls. A building entwined with such perennials will become an ornament to a green garden.
This climbing plant is a leafy vine. Its length can reach 20 m. Inflorescences are formed on the shoots of a perennial plant, up to 30 cm long. A feature of wisteria is the duration of flowering: inflorescences are formed in early spring simultaneously with the appearance of leaves and continue to bloom until autumn. Along the entire length of the inflorescences, bright small flowers bloom simultaneously in large numbers. Their color, depending on the variety, can be varied: white, pink, blue, lilac. To appreciate all the fantastic beauty of these stunning perennials can be seen in the photo.
Wisteria is considered a fairly whimsical climbing plant that requires moderate watering, regular feeding and plenty of light. The winter hardiness of the vine is also not too high. Without shelter, wisteria can only withstand short-term frosts at -200C. In the harsh climatic conditions of Our Country, wisteria must be covered for the winter with burlap and coniferous spruce branches.
Of particular importance when growing this climbing perennial is pruning. Every year in spring, the vines are cut, leaving only 30 cm of last year’s shoots. This will allow the perennial to bloom profusely on old and new shoots every year. In autumn, after the end of flowering, wisteria is also cut into 2-3 buds for a better bookmark of flower buds.
Clematis are known to many gardeners. They can decorate the surface of any gazebo with lush flowers. The genus of clematis includes many varieties and hybrids. They differ in size, terry, flower color, flowering period. Each type of perennial plant needs certain growing conditions. In particular, this applies to cropping. So, clematis that bloom on the shoots of last year are slightly pruned once every few years. Plants that form flowers only on young shoots are pruned every season, leaving 1-20 cm petioles. If a perennial climbing plant forms flowers on last year’s and new shoots, then it must be cut every fall, leaving 30-1 m shoots.
Growing perennial clematis requires a lot of care and attention. The developed root system of a climbing plant requires a lot of moisture and a sufficient amount of fertilizer. After cutting plants for the winter, clematis shoots must be covered with burlap and spruce branches to prevent freezing.
Climbing roses
You can also decorate gazebos in the garden with climbing roses. These chic perennials produce more shoots every year, allowing you to quickly create “living” walls of the structure. Perennials are distinguished by their whimsicality, but their charm makes many gardeners fall in love, which is why in gardens you can so often see arches and arbors entwined with this plant.
Climbing perennial roses are demanding on the composition of the soil. When planting them in the soil, several kilograms of manure should be added and, as the plants grow, additional nitrogen fertilizers should be added to the ground.
The cold hardiness of perennial climbing roses is relatively low, so every autumn the shoots must be removed from their supports and covered to prevent freezing. Long lashes of roses need to be cut in spring and autumn. Such plant care is quite troublesome, however, the beauty of arbors decorated with climbing roses is worth it.
You can learn more about how to grow beautiful perennial climbing roses by watching the video:
“Blossoming” arbors always look beautiful and romantic, however, it takes a lot of effort and time to create them. That is why this decoration option is more suitable for caring and diligent gardeners.
Green gazebos “with taste”
Among the frost-resistant climbing perennials, there are those that will not only bring aesthetic pleasure and serve as the walls of the gazebo, but will also delight you with a harvest of delicious berries. The category of such climbing perennials for the gazebo includes a vineyard and actinidia.
Making a canopy or gazebo from grapes with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to build a reliable frame and plant a vine at its foot. For decorating arbors, the chokeberry variety “Amur” or green grapes of the ” Concord” variety are excellent. The grape variety “Brant” is highly resistant to frost and can also be used to decorate arbors.
A good example of how to design a structure using this plant can be seen in the video:
A grape gazebo will delight you with a good harvest only with proper care for perennial plants, which includes regular watering and fertilizing. Rules for pruning and sheltering the vine depend on the variety grown.
These unique perennials are climbing vines whose fruits are edible and resemble kiwi in appearance and taste. At the same time, the plants are winter-hardy, which means that they can be successfully grown in domestic open spaces. Planted along the perimeter of the gazebo, actinidia very quickly cover the free space, and in a few years the length of perennial plants will reach 30 m.
Actinidia are dioecious perennials. For fruiting in close proximity, it is necessary to plant a female and male vine at once. It is worth noting that an excellent variety of male flowering type is actinidia “Adam”. Its leaves have a variegated color: a green leaf plate with a bright pink tip. This feature adds even more decorativeness to the perennial climbing plant.
Thus, for decorating arbors, it is better to use perennial climbing plants, which in a few years will gain sufficient height and form dense walls. Annual plants for the season will not be able to give such a result. The above types of climbing perennials are most common in Our Country. They can be grown in the southern, central and northern strip of the country, however, to prevent freezing in winter, some plant species still need to be covered. Growing the “living” walls of the gazebo, you should always remember the rules for caring for a perennial plant, because otherwise, all the efforts and efforts aimed at decorating the structure can be wasted.