What chemicals are dangerous during pregnancy?

I don’t drink any alcohol anymore!

Health authorities recommend “zero alcohol” because a lot of research has shown that it interferes with the development of the nervous system of the fetus. “ We don’t know from what threshold, recalls Dr Laurent Chevallier. Even small amounts could be toxic. »

I sort out my food

Food can also be a source of chemicals. For fish, often polluted with mercury and PCBs, the National Food Safety Agency has ruled: no more than 150 g per week for pregnant women. As all fats can be real pollutant traps, we prefer as much as possible white meats or lean parts of the animal. Regarding pesticides, a study by Inserm (Pélagie) has shown their deleterious effect on highly exposed pregnant women, such as farmers. A simple consumer will never reach this level of exposure, but little is known about their consequences at lower doses. “ If we can’t buy everything organic, we avoid the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes, cucumbers, apples and red fruits. “Dr Chevallier is also concerned about food additives:” Not all are to be put at the same level, but at least avoid sweeteners; drinking a diet soda a day would promote premature deliveries, for example. In general, it is better to keep the prepared meals for the days when you cannot do otherwise, and to cook basic products, fresh or frozen.

I am wary of packaging and plastic

If you have to be careful with what you eat, you also take care of the packaging. Some contain substances accused of being endocrine disruptors, that is to say molecules that can interfere with our hormonal system and, even more so, with that of the fetus. Bisphenol A has been banned since January 2015, but other products are still present. “ It is found in particular in the packaging of certain ready-made meals and in the film used to heat dishes in the microwave., explains Dr Chevallier. When heated and in contact with a fatty food, such as chicken thigh, some phthalates can migrate into the food. Keep the plastic wrap to keep food in the refrigerator. »Otherwise, a logo in the shape of a triangle makes it possible to favor plastics of categories 2, 4 and 5, which are more resistant to heat.

I wash my new clothes

“New clothes are full of chemicals,” warns Dr. Chevallier. It is estimated that there would be 1 kg of chemicals for 1 kg of clothing. The phenomenon is closely followed by the environmental NGO Greenpeace, which has denounced brands like Zara and Calvin Klein. The good news is that some brands are committed to reducing the contamination of their clothing. This is the case with H&M and C&A, for example. In the meantime, a simple reflex makes it possible to limit its exposure: pass the new clothes twice in the machine before wearing them, without mixing them with the rest of the laundry.

Cosmetics: we play it basic!

Cosmetics contain unsavory chemicals, such as phthalates. They are not sufficiently studied in pregnant women. The latest regulation requires declaring the presence of nanoparticles, but it does not prohibit their use, however controversial. As a precaution, we use basic products: super-rich soap, ultra-simple moisturizing formulas, whose list of ingredients is as short as possible, or vegetable oils. Organic is a good option, if you choose recognized brands – Melvita or Lavera, labeled (EU Ecolabel or Ecocert) – without certain essential oils (which can be dangerous for the baby).


I improve the indoor air and replace cleaning products

Cleaning products, but also new furniture, paints, floors and candles release chemical molecules into the air, in particular volatile organic compounds (VOCs), irritants and allergens. Current data does not allow us to know from what dose these products are harmful. Fortunately, good daily ventilation (10 to 30 minutes) eliminates a large part of it. It is also the time to replace certain household products with organic products or basic formulas such as white vinegar and liquid Marseille soap. If we have to do work, we prefer less emitting paints, which display the A + logo, and natural wood furniture. Finally, we know less, “new mattresses are heavily treated, in particular to make them less flammable”, warns Dr. Chevallier, who advises to turn to an organic mattress, 100% latex, even if these models are a little more Dear. l Jasmine Saunier


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