Everyone has moments when, despite using the same care methods, they suddenly stop working and the condition of the skin suddenly deteriorates. Sometimes a change in the environment, diet, cosmetics used, prolonged, excessive stress or health problems are to blame. However, some behaviors and habits can have a greater impact on our complexion than we might expect. Here is a list of things that most often cause a sudden deterioration of the skin condition.
- Grooming mistakes. Usually these are too frequent peelings and irregular use of cosmetics. Too intensive mechanical abrasion of dead epidermis is a quick way to irritation and dryness. Stronger peelings should be used only once or twice a week, and if you feel that you need them more often – replace them with an enzymatic or fine-grained peeling and observe the reactions of your skin. In any case, do not do it every day, because it will do more harm than good. Another mistake is using skin care cosmetics “on holiday” when you remember, or giving up using them when you don’t notice the results quickly. Some cosmetics need up to three months of use to notice the desired effect. It happens that they initially worsen the condition of the skin (and information on this subject can be found on the label or on internet forums) to bring the expected improvement over time.
- Cosmetics not matched to the season and the condition of the skin. Sometimes we forget that the reactions of our skin can change under the influence of various factors. One of them is the time of year. In summer, the skin needs different care than in winter and spring. At low temperatures, it is better to reach for protective cosmetics with a richer composition and texture, and during warmer days, you should limit the use of cosmetics to a minimum and remember to apply a cream with a protective filter every day. The condition of the skin also changes under the influence of hormonal changes or normal processes in the body, e.g. before or during menstruation. Sometimes inflammation will appear on the skin, which should be tried to eliminate as soon as possible, because waiting too long may cause it to spread over a larger area of the face. Also, avoid touching your face a lot during the day as this will harbor bacteria which then can cause blackheads and pimples.
- Poor diet. Food also affects the skin. And it’s a big one! What you have in the glass and on the plate will quickly become visible on your face. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are particularly harmful. What’s more, the skin does not like products with a high glycemic index, i.e. carbonated drinks, cooked pasta, potatoes, beer, sweets, crisps, white bread. Milk also works badly, as it increasingly contains hormones that cause acne. So if you want to enjoy a smooth, healthy-looking face, keep the above products to a minimum.