What Causes Kidney Pain In Pregnancy?

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Why does kidney pain appear in pregnancy? What tests should be performed? Is it worth doing a urine test? Could kidney pain mean problems with a developing pregnancy? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

Why do kidneys hurt in pregnancy?

Hello, she is 31 years old and I am six months pregnant. Until then, everything is going well and I haven’t had any serious ailments before. My kidneys often hurt these days. I wonder if this is a normal pregnancy symptom – I’m expecting my first baby – or if something bad is going on. My bladder pressure is greater, but when urinating, I am not accompanied by any pain, burning or itching. The ultrasound examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the fetus and everything is fine here.

However, these kidneys worry me, because sometimes the pain is so bad that I have to sit down, breathe more calmly and put on a hot water bottle. Then it is a bit better. I don’t take any painkillers because of my condition. I don’t know if she should do any tests – maybe urine tests? When I am lying down, the pain in the kidneys is not so bothersome. Worse how long I walk. So I wonder what they are causes of kidney pain in pregnancy? Could this be a problem with pregnancy? Or maybe some stones? I’ve never had a problem with that, so I’m even more worried that something might be wrong.

The doctor explains the causes of kidney pain

Due to the location of the pain that we believe comes from the kidneys (that is, the lumbar region of the torso), it may simply come from the spine. Due to the lack of changes in additional tests, such as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it can be ruled out with certainty that the problem is related to the kidneys. However, if there are circular pains in the lumbar region of the trunk, fever, or a problem with urination, you should come to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible.

Pain in the lumbar spine, in pregnant and non-pregnant women, it increases when staying in one position for a long time – e.g. sitting, standing or lifting. Tenderness when touching the paraspinal area may also be present. Pain in the lumbar spine is something that occurs in about 50% of pregnant women, and in 10% of cases it can even make everyday activities difficult. The cause of these pains, apart from the enlargement of the abdominal circumference, changes the center of gravity of the body, and thus the lumbar lordosis increases and pain appears.

This can be done with demanding physical work – be it at home taking care of other children, or various household chores – such as cooking or washing, or just work that involves staying in the same position for long periods of time. If back pain occurred earlier, possibly due to posture errors, the pregnant woman is even more predisposed to the occurrence of lumbar pains during pregnancy.

Remember not to use any form of painkillers, be it oral tablets, gels or ointments. It is important to exercise your core muscles – abdomen and torso before pregnancy, to help the spine bear these extra pounds. During pregnancy, it is worth keeping these muscles in mind and attending classes with a physiotherapist, or yoga or Pilates after informing the instructor about the pregnancy in advance. A pelvic belt may also be useful, after prior arrangement with the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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