What causes cloudy urine?

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What can cloudy urine testify to? What does it mean? What causes cloudy urine? What should the urine color of a healthy person be? Is it worth repeating a urine test? The questions are answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What causes cloudy urine?

Hello. I am 36 years old and have a problem that comes back to me very often. Over a year ago I was diagnosed inflammation of the kidneysSand appeared that had not been removed but was only taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers. I have been relapsing since then problems urinating, I have the impression that I am not pissing completely, I feel a burning sensation when urinating. As the episodes recur more and more often, my family doctor ordered me to have a urine test.

Yesterday I received the results, the description says that the urine is cloudy, what does it mean? What are the causes of cloudy urine? What color should the urine of a healthy person be or must it always be clear? I wonder if I should go to the general practitioner with the result or sign up to a nephrologist? I still have trouble urinating, so my guess is that cloudy urine may be the result of a urological infection. Should I use any particular measure and then do the urine test again? Can cloudy urine go away on its own? I am asking for a reliable answer.

The doctor points out potential causes of cloudy urine

Sir, cloudy urine most often it is the result of an ongoing infection in the urinary tract. A lot of bacteria, leukocytes, epithelia and mucus in the urine make it cloudy. Your symptoms suggest recurrent urinary tract infections, although you did not provide more detailed information about your health.

Symptoms such as frequent urination, pain in the lower abdomen, burning around the urethra during micturition, hematuria, and the feeling of incomplete bladder emptying suggest cystitis, but may well indicate pyelonephritis or urethritis. Unfortunately, I am not able to make a correct diagnosis on the Internet.

Treatment of urinary tract infection it mainly consists in taking an appropriate antibiotic and anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. In the case of cystitis, trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, fosfomycin or cefuroxime axetil are used. Of course, the drugs listed are prescription and must be prescribed by a doctor. An over-the-counter drug that may help is furazidine.

Another cause that may cause these symptoms is ureterolithiasis. The stone passing through the ureter may violate the continuity of the ureteral wall, which causes inflammation and the passage of large amounts of leukocytes into the urine, which then becomes cloudy.

In your case, a nephrological consultation is definitely recommended, but it is also worth considering visiting a urologist if the cause of your ailments cannot be found. In addition to the general examination of the urine, it is worthwhile to perform urine culture with an antibiogram and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, which will help to make a correct diagnosis. For now, please go to your family doctor who, apart from issuing a referral to specialists, will be able to start the first treatment.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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