Oncology is a real scourge of our time. This disease annually claims a huge number of human lives. Recently it turned out that not the least role in acquiring this ailment is played by simple household chores that we perform every day, without even thinking about the consequences.
Not so long ago, scientists found out that … broccoli can serve as an excellent test for cancer risk. It turns out that people who are hypersensitive to the taste of one of the components of this vegetable are more likely to suffer from the occurrence of tumors. And the most common household chores can provoke the disease.
If your hobby is cooking, then you are seriously risking your health. Especially if you are cooking on a gas stove. Scientists have found that the smoke that forms when cooking on gas stoves contains components for which sanitary and hygienic standards are not provided, including mutagenic aldehydes. These substances have the potential to cause cancer of the lungs, bladder and cervix.
But dishes, pots and pans with a non-stick coating do not pose any danger. Anyway, until the coating is damaged. As soon as scratches appear on the surface, substances hazardous to health begin to be released into the food. Therefore, you should not use scratched dishes.
We were taught from childhood: so that our teeth do not hurt, they must be brushed twice a day. It would seem that there is nothing in this rule that can harm our health. However, many toothpastes contain substances such as fluoride and triclosan. These substances are toxic and have the property of gradually accumulating in the human body. Another danger is posed by dyes, which are also available in such products. Therefore, it is better to get rid of brightly colored toothpaste and mouthwashes. Switch to products with fewer colors, or even better, to products created from natural ingredients.
2. Using an air freshener
Are you used to fighting odors with aerosols? You are very much at risk of your health. The fact is that such agents contain volatile carcinogens that settle in the respiratory tract and can cause oncology. Essential oils will be a great alternative to air fresheners. By the way, pregnant women are advised not to come close to cans with substances containing formaldehyde. These include not only air fresheners, but also hairsprays.
For many girls, the bathroom is a favorite place in the house. After all, if you wish, it can be turned into a home spa. But when creating coziness in the bathroom, we sometimes do ourselves a disservice. For example, we buy a bright and cheerful shower curtain. The fact is that many of them are made of polyvinyl chloride – a cheap type of thermoplastic that releases toxic carcinogenic compounds. you probably noticed that the new curtain smells unpleasant. Therefore, it is better to buy a curtain made of natural material, which may not be so beautiful, but much less toxic.
By the way, PVC is often found in children’s toys, so you shouldn’t buy the cheapest ones.
Water enters the pipes practically clean. But in an apartment, a liquid is already flowing from the tap, which is hardly suitable for drinking or cooking. After all, pipes both in houses and in networks around the city are often old and rusty. To get rid of organochlorine compounds, heavy metal compounds and other hazardous components, the water must be boiled, or even better, a filter must be installed. By the way, a water filter is useful not only in the kitchen, but also in the shower. In this way, you prevent harmful substances from getting on the skin and their penetration into the body.
It would seem that a dacha is outdoor recreation and work in the fresh air, which can be harmful here. It is, unless you are using chemicals to control weeds and pests. Both those and others can be harmful to health. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for herbicides and insecticides and follow them carefully. Better yet, use natural remedies like ash, soda, and soap solutions.
Insects – they are not so much harmful as unpleasant. I don’t want to scratch myself after a mosquito attack, so we use all kinds of insect sprays. But here it is important to remember that insecticides can only be applied to clothing. After all, the poisons that scare away insects are not very useful for our health. Some sprays have even found pesticides that increase the risk of cancer. By the way, these substances are also found in flea collars. Therefore, veterinarians do not recommend using such devices all the time. And if you still use naphthalene to fight moths, then keep in mind that it is officially included in the list of substances that provoke the occurrence of cancer. By the way, there are many natural substances that repel insects. Maybe you should take a closer look at them?
Phthalates, triclosan and aluminum are all commonly found in antiperspirants. Read the label on the deodorant carefully and dispose of it immediately if it contains any of these ingredients. It is dangerous for women to use such products, because it has been proven that aluminum is very often the cause of breast cancer. To be on the safe side, simply replace your regular deodorant with an organic one.
Plastic containers are very convenient. It’s even safe, as long as we don’t decide to reheat lunch in the microwave right in the container. The fact is that when the plastic is heated, phthalates, substances that provoke the development of oncology, begin to be released. They go straight to food. In addition, plastic contains a substance called bisphenol A, which is also very harmful to the body. Therefore, if you buy bottled water, then give preference to glass bottles. And, by the way, plastic cups and wine glasses are advised to wash before use.
Well, who among us has not seen an advertisement for miraculous gels, when one drop instantly removes stubborn and stubborn stains. But few people know that they contain chemicals that can cause cancer. The fact is that in most of these drugs, the main active ingredient is perchlorethylene, or tetrachlorethylene, which is capable of provoking several types of cancer at once. Another dangerous element is naphthalene, which increases the likelihood of developing throat and lung cancer. Therefore, it is better to replace purchased cleaning products with baking soda and vinegar. Also a great alternative would be a steam cleaner, which is very effective and absolutely safe for health.
Doctor’s comment
Dmitry Sirotenko, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category:
“In fact, the reasons for the appearance of cancer cells in the body are unknown – there are many hypotheses about the occurrence of an oncological tumor. Among the most common probable factors are usually called an improper lifestyle, transferred certain viruses, the influence of a polluted environment and certain chemicals, stress, heredity, etc.
Relatively speaking, employees of hazardous industries are at risk of cancer, like a smoker with many years of experience, but it is not at all necessary that these people will get cancer. The body’s health is guarded by several protective systems with many functions that are required to neutralize harmful factors. Why these systems fail is unknown.
With regard to the health effects of household chemicals, it is possible that the composition of the products includes substances that are best avoided. But their concentration is very small. If you use cleaning products, etc. as the manufacturer recommends, without abuse, then there will be no harm to health. “