What can you give a cat for diarrhea; can cats be given pills for diarrhea

What can you give a cat for diarrhea; can cats be given pills for diarrhea

If your pet is sick, and veterinary care is not expected soon, you need to know what to give the cat for diarrhea. It should be understood that indigestion can be caused by various reasons. Even if diarrhea stops after first aid, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Before deciding on how to treat an animal, it is important to study the types of bowel disorder.

Be careful with what to give your cat for diarrhea

If you have a liquid bowel movement:

  • yellow – food is poorly digested;
  • orange – there are problems with the liver;
  • green – rotten foods are eaten;
  • white – bile does not go well into the intestines;
  • with water – excessive secretion of fluid into the intestines;
  • with vomiting – the animal was poisoned;
  • with blood – serious health problems;
  • with mucus – the large intestine is inflamed.

With a fivefold loose stool, fever, general weakness and convulsions, it is impossible to delay a visit to a specialist.

What can you give a cat for diarrhea

When a visit to a specialist is not immediately possible, it is better to exclude from the diet the foods consumed the day before. It is useful to keep the animal in drinking water for about 24 hours. If we are talking about a kitten, the duration of the starvation diet is halved.

Let the pet’s discomfort take its course. The consequences can be the most dire. For diarrhea, give:

  • 5% glucose – to avoid dehydration of the body;
  • infusion of steamed pomegranate peels;
  • powder of the walls of chicken stomachs dissolved in water;
  • activated carbon with water;
  • decoction of rice;
  • a very weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Enterosgel is a drug for removing toxins from the body, which is also used for people in similar situations;
  • sweet strong tea;
  • chamomile flowers, black chokeberry, mint or strawberry leaves.

The liquid is given to the animal in a syringe without a needle. It is pushed between the canines and slowly 1 ml of the agent is injected into the mouth.

The tablets, if necessary, are rolled into a crumb of brown bread and put on the cat’s tongue. Doses are calculated based on the weight of the animal.

It is worth fixing the result of the treatment with a special feed with easily digestible components. An alternative to it can be:

  • boiled chicken yolk;
  • boiled chicken;
  • rice porrige.

The portion should be half the usual portion. Only after recovery can the cat eat well.

Can cats be given diarrhea pills? Veterinarians declare that this cannot be done without an appointment. Even if the first aid to the pet was effective, you should not hope for self-healing. It is necessary to visit a veterinarian for examination.

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