With the onset of hot summer, the likelihood of outbreaks of acute intestinal infections and food poisoning increases. Anna Nikolaevna Belovodskaya, a gastroenterologist at the Panacea network of clinics, tells about how to avoid this and what to do if you are sick.
– Acute intestinal infections and food poisoning can occur when eating foods that are easily infected if they are not stored and cooked correctly. First of all, this applies to dairy and confectionery products, eggs, poultry products, and fruits. Also dangerous are the products that we eat without heat treatment, in them microorganisms not only persist for a long time, but also multiply well.
Therefore, when preparing food, especially at picnics, you should observe the hygiene of cooking, vegetables and fruits should be taken with you washed and dried. Before the trip, it is necessary to provide in advance an assortment of safe dishes, sweets and drinks, have closed containers for transporting food, individual disposable serving dishes, and napkins.
Foods contaminated with some types of microbes may not have signs of spoilage and may not differ in appearance, taste and smell; it is difficult to calculate them by external signs. Therefore, when buying, be sure to look at the expiration dates, check the integrity of the packaging. All vegetables, fruits, melons, herbs, berries must be washed with running water before use and additionally rinsed with cooled boiled water or rinsed with boiling water.
When storing products in the refrigerator, it is necessary to exclude the proximity of raw and finished products that we use without preliminary heat treatment (dairy, vegetables and fruits, herbs, confectionery, sausages). Eggs should be kept in a separate compartment.
In hot weather, swimming in open water becomes unsafe, since enteroviruses, rotaviruses, hepatitis A viruses, dysentery sticks, helminth eggs can be found in the water in large quantities.
The content of pathogens in water in the summer increases dramatically!
In nature, on vacation, it is recommended to stock up on bottled water and drink only it. You can not buy or give children products that are offered along the roads, on the beach.
– In acute intestinal infection 1-3 days after infection, there is acute diarrhea, watery stools, weakness, a slight increase in body temperature, there may be nausea, vomiting. When eating spoiled foods, clinical signs of the disease appear within 1-2 hours after eating, acute gastroenteritis develops with the appearance of persistent vomiting, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen, and the body temperature rises to 38 ° C and above. The next day, loose stools usually appear.
Other diseases such as appendicitis can also hide behind these symptoms, which require immediate medical attention.
The vast majority of pathogens of intestinal infections are self-limiting, and the acute period of the disease is limited to 3-5 days. No antibiotic prescription is required for treatment, so first aid before going to the doctor is to combat dehydration and electrolyte disorders. The most accessible and effective agent is the drug “Regidron”, which should be taken to compensate for the loss of fluid by the body (depending on the patient’s body weight, this amount is usually from one and a half to three liters per day). It is also advisable to use enterosorbents that can quickly remove toxins (these are Polysorb, Polyphepan, activated carbon), adsorbents (Smecta).
– During the course of the illness, the use of fatty, fried, spicy foods, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables should be excluded from the diet. Eating food should be portioned, and the products themselves should be mashed. Approximately on the fourth day, steam cutlets, soups in low-fat broth, meatballs, boiled fish, eggs, or well-boiled porridge, cooked in water, should be carefully introduced. Fermented milk products (without fillers and fruits) are useful for normalizing bowel function. When you feel better, you can add grated banana or apple, sour cream, kefir, yogurt. Dryers, yesterday’s bread, dry biscuits are allowed.
After two to three weeks, you can return to your usual diet.
Remember that the disease is best treated under the supervision of a doctor. If you have moved far from your hometown and do not have this opportunity, you need to try to help yourself and your family members on your own.
But, after returning home, be sure to visit a gastroenterologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help you restore the effective functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, or make sure that you are healthy and do not need additional treatment.
Take care of yourself and consult a doctor in a timely manner.
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8 (8442) 59−59−59
There are contraindications. Consult with experts.
Take care of yourself and be healthy!